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. 2021 Mar 19;18(3):249–256. doi: 10.30773/pi.2020.0380

Table 3.

Comparison of patients with or without pharmacological treatment response at 8-week and 6-month period stratified by sociodemographic characteristics and clinical variables

Treatment response
8 weeks
χ2 or t (p) 6 months
χ2 or t (p)
Yes (N=29) No (N=122) Yes (N=57) No (N=95)
 Age (years) 40.07±14.44 37.54±10.84 -0.885 (0.382) 39.42±12.58 37.01±11.03 -1.237 (0.218)
 Gender 1.299 (0.302) 0.087 (0.867)
  Male 16 (23.2) 53 (76.8) 25 (36.2) 44 (63.8)
  Female 13 (15.9) 69 (84.1) 32 (38.6) 51 (61.4)
 Level of education 0.030 (1.000) 4.723 (0.034*)
  High school or less 10 (20.0) 40 (80.0) 13 (25.5) 38 (74.5)
  College or higher 19 (18.8) 82 (81.2) 44 (43.6) 57 (56.4)
 Marital status 0.003 (1.000) 0.255 (0.736)
  Married 16 (19.0) 68 (81.0) 33 (39.3) 51 (60.7)
  Single 13 (19.4) 54 (80.6) 24 (35.3) 44 (64.7)
Clinical variables
 Duration of illness (months) 49.90±88.79 43.43±69.25 -0.427 (0.670) 48.91±89.29 42.04±61.35 -0.561 (0.575)
 Agoraphobia 0.879 (0.448) 0.169 (0.838)
  Yes 21 (17.6) 98 (82.4) 46 (38.3) 74 (61.7)
  No 8 (25.0) 24 (75.0) 11 (34.4) 21 (65.6)
 ETI (total sum)
  All subtypes 4.16±3.98 5.06±4.01 1.020 (0.310) 3.96±3.90 5.41±3.98 2.126 (0.035*)
  General subtype 1.50±1.79 1.34±1.46 -0.489 (0.626) 1.26±1.57 1.41±1.50 0.598 (0.551)
  Physical subtype 1.59±1.47 1.95±1.68 1.023 (0.308) 1.44±1.57 2.15±1.63 1.607 (0.010*)
  Emotional subtype 1.25±1.71 1.31±1.69 0.173 (0.863) 1.07±1.61 1.42±1.72 1.235 (0.219)
  Sexual subtype 0.14±0.08 0.41±0.94 2.261 (0.026*) 0.28±0.73 0.39±0.94 0.776 (0.439)
 ASI (total sum) 47.36±25.51 46.13±26.35 -0.212 (0.832) 44.75±25.54 47.50±26.46 0.602 (0.548)
 PDSS (total sum) 14.28±6.49 12.12±5.83 -1.753 (0.082) 13.82±5.72 11.73±6.03 -2.105 (0.037*)
 BDI-II (total sum) 17.00±9.13 15.26±9.85 -0.841 (0.402) 14.33±9.05 16.46±10.10 1.291 (0.199)

Values represent count (percent), mean±SD, and median (interquartile range).



Criteria for treatment response: when the PDSS score at each time point is reduced by 40% or more compared to the PDSS score at the beginning of treatment, it is set as a treatment response. SD: standard deviation, ETI: Early Traumatic Inventory, ASI: Anxiety Sensitivity Inventory, PDSS: Panic Disorder Severity Scale, BDI: Beck Depression Inventory