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. 2021 Apr 1;11:7354. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-86798-8

Table 1.

Parameters values of vector control methods for tropical and temperate climate.

Parameter Definition Value Range Reference
Tstart Releases starting time 1 Jan.–31 Dec. Current work
τ Release period length (days) 126 [30–180] 41
Δt Time between two releases (days) 7 [5–10] 41
λMs,λMsc Number of sterile males released (ha-11) 1000 [600–6000] 41
ω Sterile male competitiveness 0.23 [0.01–0.9] 105,106
μMs, μMsc Sterile male mortality 0.086 [0.065–0.18] 47
κF Number of contaminating matings 1 [1–8] Current work
κBc Number of contaminating ovipositions 1 [1–8] Current work
ν Duration of larval sites contamination (day−1) 1/33 [1/100–1/5] 47
ϕ Proportion of larvae surviving PP exposure 0.3 [0.02–0.5] 47,83
rprev Rate of breeding sites destruction [0–0.5] Current work
ST ADT stations density (/house) [0–2] 107,108
OT Ovitraps density (/house) [0–2] 76
BGS BGS-traps density (/house) [0–2] 31,109
αg Trap or station attraction for gravid females 6.984 110
αhs BGS-trap attraction for host -seeking females 0.52 111
αMall BGS-trap attraction for males 0.24 111
ε Proportion of males landing on feeding sources 0.0244 111