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. 2021 Apr 1;11:197. doi: 10.1038/s41398-021-01300-2

Table 5.

Detailed characteristics of studies investigating offspring educational attainment and cognition (N = 21).

Offspring educational attainment and cognition
Study Design Sample Parental attribute (predictor) Child attribute (outcome) Control variables Genetic overlap Environmental transmission G–E interplay
Kendler et al. 124 Adoption (siblings-reared-apart)


436 sibships, one member reared by biological, other by adoptive parents

Age: 18–20 years

EA: highest education achieved by both parents, five-point-scale IQ: Military Conscription Register, standardised test Clustering of siblings within biological families Not studied Yes, adoptive parent EA predicted offspring IQ
Conley et al.82 Within-family PGS: genetic sensitivity analysis, and genetic nurture (statistical control method)


6186 individuals from 4867 households

Mean age: 39.49 years (FHS), 68.17 years (HRS)

Parental education

Genetic transmission: effect of parental EA PGS

Genetic nurture: effect of parental EA PGS, after adjusting for child EA PGS

EA: self-report, highest grade completed Child sex, age Yes, parental EA PGS predicted offspring EA (effect size not clear) Genetic sensitivity analysis: After controlling for offspring EA PGS, parental EA was still associated with offspring EA. Genetic nurture: no evidence of genetic nurture as parental EA PGS was not associated with offspring EA after controlling for offspring EA PGS (effect size not clear) No G × E interaction found between maternal EA and offspring PGS
Ayorech et al.79 Extended twin, within-family PGS


Twin analyses: 6105 twin pairs

PGS analyses: 5825 individuals

Age: 18 years

EA (extended twin): self-reported highest qualification

Genetic transmission (within-family PGS): effect of parental EA PGS

EA: self or parent report, A levels qualification

Intergenerational EA (extended twin): similarity between parental and offspring EA, two levels

Intergenerational EA (within-family PGS): similarity between parental and offspring EA, four levels

PGS analyses: previous school performance (GCSE grades)

Twin analyses: yes, additive genetic effects underlying intergenerational EA were found (R2 = ~50%)

PGS analyses: yes, parental EA PGS was associated with intergenerational EA

Twin analyses: yes, shared environmental effects underlying intergenerational EA were found (R2 = ~40%)

PGS analyses: Not studied

Scheeren et al.90 Adoption


1792 adopted children, 424,928 biological children

Age: 15 years

EA: register-based, highest education level

Parental income: yearly household income

EA: level of enrolment in secondary school, four levels Father and mother year of birth, family structure, number of children in the household, observation year, adoption age, country of adoption, gender Not studied Adoptive parents’ income (but not EA) predicted offspring EA Passive rGE: family income was more strongly associated with offspring EA in biological families than adoptive families
Bates et al.14 Within-family PGS: genetic nurture (transmitted/non-transmitted method)


2,335 children and their genotyped parents

Age: 17 years

Genetic nurture: effect of EA PGS based on non-transmitted alleles

SES: ASI-2006

EA: Queensland Core Skills Test Sex, age at test, offspring EA PGS Not studied PGS for EA based on non-transmitted alleles were associated with offspring EA, but this relationship disappeared after adjusting for parental SES No G × E interaction found between PGS and SES
Belsky et al.86 Within-family PGS: genetic nurture (statistical control method)


1574 & 5526 individuals

Age: 18 years, late 20 s to early 30 s

Genetic nurture: effect of parental EA PGS, after adjusting for child EA PGS EA: GCSE attainment; four levels Genetic principal components Not studied Yes, parental EA PGS was associated with offspring EA after adjusting for offspring EA PGS Passive rGE: individuals with higher PGS grew up in better-educated households
Kong et al.83 Within-family PGS: genetic nurture (transmitted/non-transmitted method)


21,637 probands with at least one genotyped parent

Age: not reported

Genetic transmission: effect of EA alleles PGS based on transmitted alleles

Genetic nurture: effect of EA PGS based on non-transmitted alleles

EA Sex, year of birth, the interaction between sex and year of birth, 100 principal components Yes, EA PGS based on transmitted parental alleles was associated with offspring EA (direct effect explained 70% of the overall observed effect of EA PGS) Yes, EA PGS based on non-transmitted parental alleles was associated with offspring PGS (genetic nurture explained explaining 22.4% of the overall effect of EA PGS)
Liu et al.84 Within-family PGS: genetic nurture (statistical control method)


8639 individuals from three generations and 9342 individuals over age 50

Age: not reported

Genetic transmission (FHS sample): effect of parental EA PGS

Genetic nurture (FHS sample): effect of parental EA PGS, after adjusting for child PGS

EA (HRS sample): self-report, years of education


FHS: self-report, years of education completed

HRS: parent report

7 principal components

HRS sample: child’s EA PGS

Yes, parental EA PGS was associated with offspring EA (FHS sample; β = 0.345), and offspring EA PGS attenuated the association between parental and offspring EA (HRS sample; from β = 0.314 to β = 0.292) Yes, parental EA PGS was associated with offspring EA, after adjusting for offspring EA PGS (β = 0.076)
Young et al.17 Relatedness disequilibrium regression


12,035 individuals who had parents and grandparents genotyped

Age: not reported

Genetic nurture: estimated variance in offspring trait explained by parental genes acting indirectly via the environment Educational attainment: self-report, number of years of schooling Sex, year of birth Not studied Yes, after accounting for shared genetic effects, parental genes explained variance in offspring EA
Pingault et al.13 Within-family PGS: genetic sensitivity analysis


3663–4693 individuals

Age: 8–16 years

Maternal EA: self-report, eight levels EA: mean of three standardised tests Sex, age and ten principal components of ancestry, PGS for EA Yes, association between maternal EA and offspring EA decreased after adjusting for EA PGS (from β = 0.40 to 0.33) Under a twin-heritability scenario, the association between maternal and offspring EA was expected to be null if EA PGS captured all heritability
Bates et al.15 Within-family PGS: genetic nurture (transmitted/non-transmitted method)


2335 children and their genotyped parents

Age: 17 years

Genetic nurture: effect of parental EA PGS based on non-transmitted alleles

SES: ASI-2006

EA: Queensland Core Skills Test Sex, age at test, offspring EA PGS Not studied PGS for EA based on non-transmitted alleles were associated with offspring EA, but this relationship disappeared after adjusting for parental SES No G × E interaction found between PGS and SES
Willoughby et al.88 Within-family PGS: genetic nurture (statistical control method)


1223 families, 2446 offspring

Age: varied

Genetic nurture: effect of parental EA PGS, on top of child EA PGS

SES: composite score, family income, parent education level, parent occupation level

Parental IQ: WIS

Years of education: self-report, mean age 29

High-school grade-point-average: self-report, age 17

IQ: WIS, mean age 14.4

Height and BMI used as negative controls Not studied Yes, parental EA PGS was associated with offspring EA traits after adjusting for offspring EA PGS, and this association was mediated by parental SES and IQ
Armstrong-Carter et al.89 Within-family PGS: genetic nurture (statistical control method)


2077 mother–child dyads

Age: 7 years

Genetic nurture: effect of maternal EA PGS, after adjusting for child EA PGS

Maternal health: composite score, self-reported mental health, smoking, indirect smoke exposure, alcohol and drug use, vitamin use, sleep problems, and BMI

SES: composite score, self-reported education, cohabitation status, employment, maternity leave, governmental benefits, perceived financial difficulty, and governmental index of neighbourhood-level deprivation

Academic performance: standardised national exam Child EA PGS, maternal age, first ten principal components Not studied Yes, maternal EA PGS was associated with offspring academic performance, after adjusting for offspring EA PGS, and this association was mediated by maternal health and SES during pregnancy
Borriello et al.80 Adoption


195 families

Age: 7 years

Mathematical achievement: standardised scores on the mathematics fluency subtest of WJ-III Mathematical achievement: standardised scores on the mathematics fluency subtest of the WJ-III Obstetric complications, adoption opennness, parent education level, non-mathematical cognitive skills Yes, birth parent and offspring mathematic achievement were correlated (β = 0.17) Yes, paternal (but not maternal) mathematic achievement was correlated with adopted-offspring mathematical achievement (β = 0.15) No G × E interaction found
Domingue et al.85 Adoption (PGS study)


855 adopted and 20,939 biological offspring

Age: not reported

Genetic transmission: association between parental EA PGS and EA of biological offspring

Genetic nurture: association between parental EA PGS and EA of adoptive offspring

Educational attainment: parent-reported, highest grade of school attended Child sex, age, ten principal components Yes, parental EA PGS was associated with EA of biological offspring (effect size not clear) Yes, parental EA PGS was associated with EA of adoptive offspring (effect size not clear) Passive rGE implied: higher association in biological families than adoptive families
de Zeeuw et al.75 Within-family PGS: genetic nurture (transmitted/non-transmitted method)


5900 offspring from 2649 families

Age: 10–12, 25–64 years

Genetic transmission: effect of EA and ADHD ADHD PGS based on transmitted alleles

Genetic nurture: effect of EA and ADHD PGS based on non-transmitted alleles

Childhood academic achievement: nationwide standardised test at age 12

Adult EA: self-report, highest degree; four levels

Sex, birth year (EA), interaction between sex and birth year (EA), ten principal components, genotyping platform EA PGS based on transmitted parental alleles were associated with offspring academic achievement in childhood and EA in adulthood (R2 = 5.7–7.6%) but there was no association with ADHD PGS EA PGS based on non-transmitted parental alleles were associated with offspring EA in adulthood (R2 = 1.7%), but not academic achievement in childhood (which was also not associated with non-transmitted PGS for ADHD)
Halpern-Manners et al.81 Adoption


340 families

Age: first-graders (6–7 years)

Adoptive and birth parent education attainment: self-report, highest level of education completed by adoptive or birth parents Early educational achievement: WJ-III Obstetric complications, adoption opennness, child sex, child and adoptive parents’ ethnicity, adoptive parents’ age, type of adoption agency Yes, birth parent EA was associated with offspring EA (effect size not clear) Yes, adoptive parent EA was associated with offspring EA (effect size not clear) No G × E interaction
Torvik et al.45 Children-of-twins and siblings


34,958 children

Age: 8 years

Educational attainment: self-report, highest level completed Academic problems: maternal report, three-point scale Yes, there were shared genetic effects between parental EA and offspring academic problems (effect size not clear) Yes, after accounting for genetic relatedness, parental EA was associated with offspring academic problems (effect size not clear)
Ellingson et al.71 Sibling comparison


10,251 children of 4827 mothers

Age: 4–14 years

Smoking during pregnancy: self-report, mean number of packs smoked per day Cognitive functioning: PPVT-R (math, reading and reading Recognition subtests) and digit span test Maternal age at birth, EA, intelligence, delinquency, offspring sex, birth order, ethnicity, household income, geographic location Not studied Exposed children had poorer reading recognition than their unexposed siblings, but there were no other group differences
Kuja-Halkola et al.67 Sibling comparison, children-of-twins


2,754,626 children

Age: up to 20 years

Maternal smoking during pregnancy: self-report

Academic achievement: class 9 records

General cognitive ability: Military Conscription Register, nine levels

Maternal age at childbirth, child sex, birth year Yes, there were shared genetic effects between maternal smoking during pregnancy and offspring EA traits (effect size not clear) No, exposed children did not differ from their unexposed siblings, and after accounting for genetic relatedness, maternal smoking was not associated with offspring EA traits
Wertz et al.78 Within-family PGS: genetic nurture (statistical control method)


860 mothers and their children

Age: 18 years

Genetic nurture: effect of maternal EA PGS, after adjusting for child PGS

Parenting behaviour: mother, child and interviewer report, cognitive stimulation, warmth and sensitivity, household chaos, and safety and tidiness of the family home

EA: self-report, highest educational attainment, 18 years Sex, first ten principal components, offspring EA PGS Yes, controlling for offspring EA PGS attenuated the association between parenting behaviours and offspring EA (from β range = 0.33–0.52 to β range = 0.30–0.48) Genetic nurture: yes, maternal EA PGS was associated with offspring EA after adjusting for offspring EA PGS (β = 0.11), and this effect was mediated by parenting behaviours including cognitive stimulation, household chaos and a safe, tidy home (but not parental warmth) Evocative rGE: mother and offspring PGS for EA predicted cognitive stimulation and warm, sensitive parenting

G–E gene–environment, G×E gene–environment interaction, rGE gene–environment correlation.

Design = PGS Polygenic scores.

Samples = BATS Brisbane Adolescent Twin Study, BiBs Born in Bradford study, CNLSY Children of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, EGDS Early Growth and Development Study, deCODE Icelandic Genealogy Database, FHS Framingham Heart Study, HRS Health Retirement Study, MoBa Norwegian Mother Father and Child Study, MCTFR Minnesota Centre for Twin and Family Research, NLNR Dutch national registers, NLAAH National Longitudinal study of Adolescent to Adult Health, NTR Netherlands Twin Register, SNR Swedish national registers, TEDS Twins Early Development Study, WLS Wisconsin Longitudinal Study.

Measures = ASI Australian Socioeconomic Index occupational status scale, PPVT-R Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised, QCST Queensland Core Skills Test, WIS Weschler Intelligence Scale, WJ-III Woodcock–Johnson Test of Achievement III.

Statistics = β standardised parameter estimate, R2 percentage of variance explained. Effect sizes are not reported for studies that did not investigate both genetic and environmental transmission.