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. 2021 Apr 1;11:7435. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-86851-6

Table 1.

Patient and treatment characteristics.

Total C-PCI HA-PCI p value
n = 106 % n = 58 % n = 48 %
Age, years
Median 65 65 64 0.424
(Range) (37–82) (53–82) (37–79)
Male 93 87.7 54 93.1 39 81.3 0.064
Female 13 12.3 4 6.9 9 18.8
0, 1 101 95.3 55 94.8 45 93.8 0.842
2 5 4.7 3 5.2 2 4.2
T stage
T1 17 16.0 7 12.1 10 20.8 0.127
T2 33 31.1 21 36.2 12 25.0
T3 25 23.6 10 17.2 15 31.3
T4 31 29.2 20 34.5 11 22.9
N stage
N0 12 11.3 8 13.8 4 8.3 0.741
N1 13 12.3 8 13.8 5 10.4
N2 57 53.8 30 51.7 27 56.3
N3 24 22.6 12 20.7 12 25.0
AJCC stage (7th edition)
I 7 6.6 5 8.6 2 4.2 0.796
II 11 10.4 6 10.3 5 10.4
IIIA 43 40.6 22 37.9 21 43.8
IIIB 45 42.5 25 43.1 20 41.7
Initial treatment
RT alone 1 0.9 0 0.0 1 2.1 0.063
Concurrent CRT 98 92.5 51 87.9 47 97.9
Sequential CRT 4 3.8 4 6.9 0 0.0
Surgery 3 2.8 3 5.2 0 0.0
Chemotherapy regimen
None 1 0.9 0 0.0 1 2.1 0.114
EP 102 96.2 55 94.8 47 97.9
Others 3 2.8 3 5.2 0 0.0
Chemotherapy cycles
4 69 65.1 43 74.1 26 54.2 0.043
6 36 34.0 15 25.9 21 43.8
Thoracic RT dose (Gy)
Median 54 54 63 < 0.001
(Range) (30.6–70.2) (37.-64.5) (30.6–72)
Thoracic RT fraction size (Gy)
Median 2 2 2.1 0.097
(Range) (1.5–15) (1.8–15) (1.5–2.5)
Thoracic RT fractions
Median 30 28 30 0.036
(Range) (3–35) (3–33) (17–35)
Thoracic RT total dose (EQD2)
< 60 Gy 38 84.4 5 11.1 43 47.8 < 0.001
≥ 60 Gy 7 15.6 40 88.9 47 52.2
Thoracic RT modality
3D CRT 52 50.5 49 89.1 3 6.3 < 0.001
IMRT 51 49.5 6 10.9 45 93.8
Initial treatment response
CR 9 8.5 8 13.8 1 2.1 0.023
PR 94 88.7 47 81.0 47 97.9
SD 3 2.8 3 5.2 0 0.0
PCI modality
3D CRT 57 53.8 56 96.6 0 0.0 < 0.001
IMRT 49 46.2 2 3.4 48 100.0
Interval, initial treatment to PCI (days)
Median 112 125 105 0.003
(Range) (68–312) (69–312) (68–167)
Interval, last treatment to PCI (days)
Median 28 28 27 0.424
(Range) (0–146) (7–146) (0–116)
Treatment period
Median 2014 2011 2017 < 0.001
(Range) (2007–2018) (2007–2016) (2015–2018)

C-PCI conventional prophylactic cranial irradiation, HA-PCI hippocampus-avoidance PCI, ECOG PS Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status, AJCC American Joint Committee on Cancer, RT radiotherapy, CRT chemoradiotherapy, EP etoposide/cisplatin, EQD2 Equivalent dose in 2 Gy fractions, α/β = 10, 3D-CRT 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy, IMRT intensity-modulated radiotherapy, CR complete response, PR partial response, SD stable disease.