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. 2021 Mar 19;12:630691. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.630691

Table 1.

Clinical manifestations, molecular profile, treatment, and outcome of patients with type I interferonopathies (n = 12).

Center Patient (Age at diagnosis/Sex) Age of onset of symptoms Clinical features Laboratory features Family history (Consanguinity/siblings affected) Initial Diagnosis Molecular details Treatment details Follow-up duration and outcomes
Deficiency of Adenosine Deaminase 2 (DADA2) (n= 6)
3.3y • Fever
• Rash
• Hypertension
• Recurrent strokes at 3 and 16 years of age
CRP: 32 mg/L ESR: 20 mm/h MRI brain: multiple infarcts right MCA territory and right posterior circulation
CTA: microaneurysms in branches renal artery
Muscle biopsy: healed arteritis
Third degree consanguinity PAN ADA2
exon 2; c.140G>T; p.Gly47Val
Homozygous; missense
Previously reported: Yes
CS, AZR, enalapril, aspirin
Change in treatment after diagnosis: Aspirin stopped, HCQs added and planned for ant-TNF
34 years and doing well
Pt. 2
(13 y/F)
5 y • Fever
• Recurrent abdominal pain
• Hypertension
• Optic atrophy
• Left hemiparesis and facial palsy intestinal perforation
CRP: 45 mg/L
ESR: 40 mm/h
DSA: multiple microaneurysms involving bilateral interlobar and segmental branches of renal artery, branches of gastroduodenal artery, distal branches of SMA and IMA
GI Biopsy:
Ulcer, ischemic, gangrene, perforation in ileum. Chronic inflammation in recto-sigmoid junction
Plasma ADA2 activity: 1.1 mU/g protein mL
Plasma ADA2 activity (Father): 42.5 mU/g protein mL
Plasma ADA2 activity (Mother): 69.5 mU/g protein mL
Sister of Pt. 3 PAN ADA2
exon 2; c.139G>C; p.Gly47Arg
Homozygous missense
Previously reported: Yes
CS, CYC (10 pulses), AZR, aspirin
Change in treatment after diagnosis: Aspirin stopped, HCQs added and planned for anti-TNF
8 year and doing well
Pt.3 (18 y/M) 17 y • Sudden Painless loss of vision
• Raynaud phenomenon, CRAO
CRP: 10 mg/L ESR: 12 mm/h
CTA: Normal study
Plasma ADA2 activity: 0.3 mU/g protein mL
Brother of Pt. 2 PAN ADA2
exon 2; c.139G>C; p.Gly47Arg
Same as the sibling (Pt. 2)
CS, CYC (6 pulses), AZR, aspirin, LMWH
Change in treatment after diagnosis: Aspirin stopped, HCQs added and planned for anti-TNF
3 years and doing well
SGPGI Pt. 4 (17 y/M) (29) 5 y • Fever
• Vasculitic ulcers
• Seizures,
• Recurrent stroke with neurological deficits
• VIth Cranial Nerve palsy, median nerve neuropathy,
• GI bleed
Skin Biopsy: Necrotizing cutaneous vasculitis No PAN ADA2
exon 2; c.139G>C; p.Gly47Arg;
exon 2; c.278T>C; p.Ile93Thr
Previously reported: Yes
missense variation
Change in treatment: anti-TNF commenced
1 year and doing well
Pt. 5 (48 y/M)
8 y • Fever
• Ulcers and rash
• Recurrent stroke along with neurological deficits, mononeuritis multiplex, CRAO
CRP: 5.11 mg/L
ESR: 30 mm/h
C3/C4: 129/32.3
exon 2; c.139G>C; p.Gly47Arg
missense variation
Previously reported: Yes
Change in treatment: Stopped aspirin
doing well
Aster CMI Pt. 6 (0.9 y/F)
5 months • Fever
• Anemia
• generalized lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly
CRP: 102 mg/L
ESR: 155 mm/h
Bone marrow: Normocellular bone marrow with trilineage hematopoiesis
IgG: 1,640 mg/dL
IgA: 101 mg/dL
IgM: 96 mg/dL
IgE: 3.7 mg/dL
No - ADA2
exon 2; c.139G>C; p.Gly47Arg
Homozygous missense variation
Previously reported: Yes
Injection etanercept Doing well
STING-associated vasculopathy with onset in infancy (SAVI) (n= 3)
PGIMER Pt 7 (10 y/F)
0.91 y • Fever,
• Failure to thrive,
• Deforming inflammatory arthritis with contractures of small and large joints
• ILD, corneal
• Opacity in right eye
CRP: 97.23 mg/L
ESR: 120 mm/h
CT chest: ILD
RA factor: positive
IgG: >2,535 (540–1,610)
IgA: 436 (70–250)
C3: 166 mg/dl (89–187)
C4: 20 mg/dl (16–38)
Anti ds-DNA: 10.8 IU/ml (<25- Negative)
Serum IL-6: 3,700 pg/ml
Serum IL-10: 13,900 pg/ml
Interferon levels elevated
Brother and Father affected (Pt. 8 and Pt. 9) JIA, COPA TMEM173
exon5; c.463G>A; p.Val155Met
missense variation Previously reported: Yes
CS, MTX, AZR, Naproxen, HCQ Alive
Pt 8 (3 y/M)
2 y • Fever
• Polyarthritis (bilateral knee, small joints of the hands)
• Rash
CRP: 12.98 mg/L
ESR: 108 mm/h
CT chest: ILD
RA factor: negative
ANA: 2+ Speckled
IL-6: 3,500 pg/ml
IL-10: 14123 pg/ml
Interferon levels elevated
B/o Pt. 7 JIA, COPA TMEM173
exon5; c.463G>A; p.Val155Met
missense variation Same as Pt. 7
Pt 9 (4y/-) (19) • Deforming inflammatory polyarthritis involving small and large joints
• Peripheral vascular disease of bilateral lower limbs with guillotine amputation of right midfoot and 2nd toe in the year 2008
ESR: 12 mm/h
RA Factor: 6.49 mg/L
ANA (IF): 3 + diffuse
CT chest:
Emphysematous changes and interstitial thickening in bilateral lungs consistent with ILD
F/o Pt. 7 RA TMEM173
exon5; c.463G>A; p.Val155Met
missense variation Same as Pt. 7
- -
Spondyloenchondrodysplasia (SPENCD) (n= 2)
SGPGI Pt. 10
(15 y/F)
13 y • Fever
• Seizure
• Stroke
• Optic atrophy
• Hypertensive
• Short stature
MR brain: Basal ganglion calcification
Renal biopsy:
IgA nephropathy
Anti dsDNA: 67.5 IU
C3/C4: 105 mg/dL/29.6 mg/dL
IgG: 3,590 mg/dl
IgA: 621 mg/dl
IgM: 60.9 mg/dl
exon 3; c.550C>T; p.Gln184*
exon 4; c.740T>G; p.Leu247Arg
HCQs, antihypertensive drugs NA
Lilavati Hospital Pt. 11 (4y/F) 1y • Fever
• Bleeding (Skin, mucosal and intracranial)
• Anemia
• Facial dysmorphism (delay in motor and cognitive milestones, fronto-parietal bossing, hyperteleorism, low set ears
X-ray wrist: metaphyseal dysplasia
CT brain: Symmetrical bilateral basal ganglion calcifications and gliotic area noted in left Parieto- Temporal area
Bone marrow biopsy: hypercellular marrow with erythroid and megakaryocytic hyperplasia. Increased bone marrow fibrosis
DCT ICT: strongly positive multiple antibodies
Cold agglutinin: positive
No Early onset Immune thrombocytopenia ACP 5
exon 1; c.136delc; p.R46Gfs*24
Homozygous nucleotide deletion Parents heterozygous for the same variant
Multiple packed cell transfusions and platelet transfusions
IVIg, CS, dapsone, cyclosporine
Doing well
Coatomer protein complex subunit alpha (COPA) defect (n= 1)
(11 y/M)
5 Y Polyarthritis, ILD CRP: 32 mg/L
ESR: 23 mm/h
IgG: 1,453 mg/dL
IgA: 131 mg/dL
IgM: 135 mg/dL
RA, CCP: Positive
ANA: 3+ speckled
ANCA: negative
Father died due to progressive lung disease Poly JIA COPA
exon 9 (intron 9-10 junction) c.841C>T, p.Arg281Trp
Novel heterozygous splice-site mutation
Sangers (PGI)
CS, MTX, HCQs Alive

ACP5, Acid phosphatase 5; ANCA, Anti neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody; ADA2, Adenosine deaminase 2; ANA, Antinuclear antibodies; anti TNF, Tumor necrosis factor; Aster CMI, Aster CMI Hospital, Bengaluru, India; AZR, Azathioprine; BJWHC, Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for Children, Mumbai, India; CMC, Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore, India; CRAO, Central retinal artery occlusion; CRP, C-reactive protein; CS, Corticosteroids; CT, Computed tomography; CTA, Computed tomography angiography; CYC, intravenous pulse cyclophosphamide; DCT, Direct Coombs test; DSA, Digital subtraction angiography; ESR, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate; HCQS, Hydroxychloroquine; HRCT, High resolution computed tomography GI, Gastrointestinal; ILD, Interstitial lung disease; IMA, Inferior mesenteric artery; JIA, Juvenile idiopathic arthritis; Lilavati Hospital, Lilavati Hospital and Research Center, Mumbai, India; LMWH, Low molecular weight heparin; MCA, Middle cerebral artery; MRI, Magnetic resonance imaging; MTX, Methotrexate; MMF, Myocphenolate mofetil; PAN, Polyarteritis nodosa; PGIMER, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, India; RA, Rheumatoid arthritis; SGPGI, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGI), Lucknow, India; SLE, Systemic lupus erythematosus; SMA, Superior mesenteric artery; TMEM173, Transmembrane protein 173; Y, years.