ATOM46 and ATOM69 bind their substrate by different mechanisms. (A) Topology of ATOM46 and ATOM69, the cytosolic domains expressed in E. coli, are indicated. (B) SDS-PAGE of purified cytosolic receptor domains of ATOM46 and ATOM69 after expression in E. coli. (C) Binding of the artificial substrates DHFR and LDH-DHFR at low (50 mM) and high (500 mM) KCl concentrations to the indicated isolated cytosolic receptor domains. (D) Scatter plot as in Fig. 1C depicting the substrates that were selected for in vitro transcription and translation and subsequent binding assays. Substrates Tb927.11.14730 and Tb927.11.9560 show a preference for ATOM69 (red) and substrates Tb927.10.13600 and Tb927.5.3640 for ATOM46 (gray). (E) Binding assays using the four selected substrates Tb927.11.14730, Tb927.11.9560, Tb927.10.13600, and Tb927.5.3640 that show receptor preference in the RNAi cell lines. SEs are indicated.