Fig. 2.
The conjunction as well as the contrast analyses of the conditions “thermal” and “non thermal” projected on the SPM-render brain hemispheres (left and right side view) and slices of the single subject template from SPM. The conjunction analysis, “thermal and non-thermal pain” showed significant results in bilateral SII, unilaterally activated SMA and MCC (both in the right hemisphere) and bilateral activation of the insula; axial (z=1), sagittal (x=6). The contrast analysis of the conditions “non thermal” – “thermal” (red frame) showed activation in right SI, bilateral SII, and right mid orbital gyrus; sagittal (x=44), coronal (y=−20). The opposite contrast “thermal” – “non thermal” (green frame) revealed activity in right SII, left middle/posterior insula, left ACC and MCC, right inferior frontal gyrus and bilateral thalamus; sagittal (x=−6), axial (z=7).