Figure 6.
Cyth3 was involved in HSC activation. (a) The relative expression level of the Cyth3 mRNA in TGF-β1-stimulated and normal HSCs was detected. N = 3; **P< 0.01, compared with the normal group. (b) HSCs were separated into five groups: (i) negative control group (untransfected cells), (i) shCtrl group (cells infected with the lentivirus containing the scrambled shRNA), (ii) shCyth3 group (cells infected with the lentivirus containing the Cyth3 shRNA), (iii) Mix3 group (cells transfected with Lv-shCyth3+ miR-148a-3p inhibitor) and (iv) Mix4 group (cells transfected with Lv-shCyth3+ miR-22-3p inhibitor). The relative Cyth3 expression level was detected in different experimental groups using qPCR. (c) The effect of Cyth3 on HSC proliferation was determined using an EdU assay. (d) The effect of Cyth3 on α-SMA and type I collagen protein expression in HSCs was detected using western blotting. N = 3; **P< 0.01, compared with negative control group