Model validation analysis. A, Models of dissimilarity between pairs of people. Stimulus order is the same as in Figure 1. Dissimilarity is shown by percentile. Behavioral similarity ratings were used to estimate separate embedding models reflecting visual dissimilarity and semantic dissimilarity. We then evaluated our models of semantic dissimilarity by comparing them with the behaviorally derived embedding models and stimulus feature models representing gender, occupation, and age. Both the wiki2vec and wiki2USE models were correlated with each of these stimulus features. Furthermore, both the wiki2vec and wiki2USE models explained unique variance in the semantic embedding model after controlling for the visual embedding model, even after also controlling for gender, occupation, and age. These results suggest that the semantic dissimilarity models predict both objective stimulus features and fine-grained variation in psychological dissimilarity between pairs of people. B, Models of dissimilarity between pairs of places. Both the wiki2vec and wiki2USE models of semantic dissimilarity were correlated with stimulus feature models representing category (natural vs manmade), subcategory (e.g., river, mountain), and continent. The wiki2USE model was also correlated with a stimulus feature model representing the age of manmade locations. Furthermore, both semantic models explained unique variance in the semantic embedding model after controlling for the visual embedding, even after also controlling for category, subcategory, age, and continent.