Figure 4.
Summary of subjective effects following iES of the human PFC. A synthesis of subjective reports following iES to the medial (top left), lateral (top right), and ventral (bottom) portions of the human PFC. Arrows from text boxes point to the approximate stimulation sites. While reports have been accurately linked to specific PFC subregions, the placements are intended to be illustrative; locations are not exact. While this schematic provides a representative summary of the data, several cases which have not been replicated beyond a single subject are not included, although they are discussed in the main text. However, we include the case report by Vignal et al. (2000) given its relevance to the current debate. Detailed discussions of the subjective effects represented in this figure can be found in the original reports. sgACC, Subgenual ACC; pgACC, pregenual ACC; aMCC, anterior mid-cingulate cortex; lOFC, lateral OFC; mOFC, medial OFC; lFPC, lateral frontopolar cortex; mFPC, medial frontopolar cortex; vFPC, ventral frontopolar cortex; DMPFC, dorsomedial PFC.