Figure 3.
Reconstitution of factor D‐deficient serum with purified factor D increases complement activation speed in a dose‐dependent way. Factor D‐deficient serum was reconstituted with purified factor D, and (a) C5b‐9 formation was determined by ELISA after 30, 45, 60 and 75 min (n = 3). (b) AP was calculated at 75 min (the horizontal dotted line visualises AP of 67%), (d) and AP activation speed as determined by the slope between 45 and 75 min. (c) Factor D‐deficient serum was reconstituted with purified factor D, and AP activity was determined by Wieslab ELISA. (e) Linear regression between AP and AP activation speed was calculated. (f) One‐phase decay non‐linear fit between AP activation speed and serum factor D concentration. The vertical dotted line visualises the EC50.