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. 2021 Apr 3;21:177. doi: 10.1186/s12888-021-03164-8

Table 3.

Characteristics of informal caregivers at baseline and correlations with depressiveness

t0 r (p)
N n (%) / M (SD) Depressiveness t0 Depressiveness t12 Depressiveness t12-t0
Informal caregivers
 Age a,b,c 165 61.8 (12.9) .08 (.331) .10 (.201) −.19 (.017)
 Female a c 165 118 (71.5%) −.20 (.010) −.23 (.004) −.05 (.567)
 Relation to PWD (partner) a,b 165 .05 (.513) .14 (.067) −.21 (.007)
  Child, relative, other 86 (52.1%)
  Partner 79 (47.9%)
 Same household as PWD 165 105 (63.6%) −.03 (.747) .16 (.042) −.15 (.058)
 Highest school degree a 164 .05 (.554) .16 (.037) .13 (.098)
  No school degree 1 (0.6%)
  Volksschule (primary school) 34 (20.7%)
  Hauptschule (secondary school) 48 (29.3%)
  Mittlere Reife (secondary school certificate) 48 (29.3%)
  Fachhochschulreife (advanced technical college certificate) 11 (6.7%)
  Abitur (high school certificate) 22 (13.4%)
 Place of residence (rural) 166 −.21 (.008) −.15 (.050) .04 (.595)
  Urban 112 (67.5%)
  Rural 54 (32.5%)
 Social inclusion (LSNS) a 118 30.5 (9.9) .22 (.017) .29 (.001) .09 (.316)
  ∆ Social inclusion (LSNS) a 114 −0.6 (8.3) −.03 (.782) .03 (.731) .06 (.532)
 Care contribution (RUD) a 138 4.3 (1.11) −.29 (.001) −.19 (.024) .06 (.486)
  ∆ Care contribution (RUD) a 121 0.2 (1.0) .00 (.996) .03 (.768) .04 (.688)
 Caregiver burden (BSFC-s) 162 11.5 (7.9) −.57 (< .001) −.46 (< .001) .07 (.388)
 Comorbidities (Charlson Comorbidity Index) 124 0.6 (1.0) −.10 (.274) −.12 (.203) −.03 (.774)
 Depressiveness (WHO-5) c 166 51.2 (23.6) . .55 (< .001) −.41 (< .001)

PWD person/people with dementia. ∆ = change t12-t0. a = considered for the regression model according to Pearlin‘s stress process model. b variable congruent with Pearlin’s stress process model included in the regression model as predictor due to significant correlation. c variable added to the regression model as predictor due to methodological considerations. Correlation coefficients (r) used: Pearson for interval scale variables, Spearman for ordinal scale variables. Bold = significant on the level p < .05