Figure 4: EoE candidate genes do not follow the same mRNA expression patterns by qPCR in the sub-UES, except DSG1.
(A) Patient Demographics for patients in which high quality tissue was extracted. (B) There is increased CCL26 (**P<0.01, 6.6-fold increase, n=11), CLDN2 (***P<0.001, 8.9-fold increase, n=11), and POSTN (****P<0.0001, 115.7-fold increase, n=10–11, 1 distal EoE excluded by Grubb’s test) mRNA expression in mid/distal biopsies but not in sub-UES biopsies of patients with active EoE. POSTN mRNA expression is significantly decreased (***P<0.001, 95% decrease, n=10–11, 1 sub-UES control excluded because it was an outlier by Grubb’s test) in the sub-UES region of EoE patients with active disease. There is decreased FLG (***P<0.001, 85% decrease, n=11) in mid/distal biopsies but not in sub-UES biopsies of patients with active EoE. Finally, DSG1 mRNA expression is significantly decreased in both mid/distal (****P<0.001, 91% decrease, n=11) and sub-UES regions (***P<0.001, 87% decrease, n=11) of patients with active EoE.