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. 2020 Autumn;19(4):44–50. doi: 10.22037/ijpr.2020.112399.13754

Table 3.

Occurrence and levels of aflatoxin M1 (ng/kg) in various cheeses published in previous studies

Location Cheese type No. of samples No. positive samples (%) Detection Method Mean (ng/kg) Range (ng/kg) Exceeded regulation, n (%) Reference
Qatar Cheese 46 39 (84.8) ELISA 197.74 1.21-217.15 0a Hassan et al (20)
Iran Traditional cheese 360 194 (53.8) ELISA 139.4 50.5- 308.7 22 (10.5)a Shahbazi et al (13)
Turkey Cheese 130 130 (100) ELISA 260.26 10-800 22 (17) Altun et al (25)
Iran Cheese 100 52 (52) ELISA 133.2 50.2-424.4 8 (8)a Sharifzadeh et al (26)
Iran Cheese 40 25 (65.5) ELISA 158.4 52.5-272 4 (10)a Bahrami et al (27)
Serbia cheese 54 29 (53.70) UHPLC-MS/MS 324.07 80-2230 7 (13%) Škrbić et al (28)
Turkey White pickled cheese 50 10 (20) ELISA 103.2 40.41-130.89 0a Temamogullari and Kanici (29)
Iran Cheese 80 69 (86.3) ELISA 133.2 14.3-572.1 11 (13.8)a Rahimi (30)
Brazil Cheese 10 3 (30) HPLC 160 91-300 ND Jager et al (31)
Iran Lighvan cheese 37 10 (27) ELISA 90.8 70.5-203 1 (2.7)b Mohajeri et al (32)
Italy Cheese 17 7 (41.2) HPLC ND <3-18 0 Santini et al (33)
Iran Cheese 40 16 (40) ELISA 133.2 31.9-505.7 7 (17.5)a Nilchian and Rahimi (34)
Turkey Urfa cheese 127 36 (28.3) ELISA 253.7 70.61-770.97 13 (10.2)a Kav et al (35)

ND: Not Determined; ELISA: Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay; HPLC: High-Performance Liquid Chromatography.

aThe European Community limit for aflatoxin M1 is 250 ng/kg for cheese

bAccording to Iranian Standard (200 ng/kg).