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. 2020 Sep 8;55(4):366–380. doi: 10.1177/0004867420952543

Table 1.

Characteristics of the included studies.

Study Design, setting and country Patients and sample size ECT method Intervention Control condition Outcome measures of interest Results
Randomized controlled trials on adjuvant TCA
Imlah et al. (1965)a RCT, inpatient clinic, UK Depressive disorder (clinical observation)
Total sample n = 150
ECT + placebo n = 50
ECT + IMI n = 50
ECT + PHE n = 50
No information available on electrode placement, waveform and dose strategy; 2 ECT sessions/week until favourable clinical response, maximum of 12 treatments. ECT + IMI 75 mg ECT + placebo Number of ECT sessions until response, based on ‘5-point scale’ Mean number of ECT sessions until response:
ECT + placebo 7.93
ECT + IMI 7.15
ECT + PHE 6.90
No significant difference between intervention and control group.
Kay et al. (1970) RCT, inpatient clinic, UK Depressive disorder (clinical observation)
Total sample n = 132
ECT + diazepam n = 73
ECT + AMI n = 59
No information available on ECT method. ECT + AMI 50–150 mg ECT + diazepam
4–12 mg
HRSD Mean decrease in HRSD score at 1 month:
ECT + diazepam 24.4
ECT + AMI 28.7
No significant difference between intervention and control group.
Mayur et al. (2000)a RCT (discontinuation study), inpatient clinic, India Major depressive disorder (DSM-IV)
Total sample n = 30
ECT + placebo n = 15
ECT + TCA n = 15
UL; pulse, square wave; dose titration (stimulus: 2.5× ST); 3 ECT sessions/week for 4 weeks or until remission, whichever was earlier. ECT + TCA ECT + placebo 17-item HRSD, MADRS Mean HRSD score and mean MADRS score at week 4 not reported.
No significant differences between intervention and control group.
Sackeim et al. (2009)b RCT, inpatient clinic, USA Major depressive disorder (DSM-IV)
Total sample n = 319
ECT + placebo n = 135
ECT + NOR n = 93
ECT + VEN n = 91
RUL or BL; pulse, square wave; dose titration (stimulus RUL 6× ST, BL 1.5× ST); 3 ECT sessions/week until remission. ECT + NOR (mean blood level 82.1 ± 52.2 ng/mL) ECT + placebo 24-item HRSD
Remission: reduction HRSD score ⩾ 60% and post-ECT HRSD ⩽ 10
Remission rate:
ECT + placebo 41.4%
ECT + NOR 54.8%
ECT + VEN 52.8%
Difference between intervention and control group shows trend in favour of NOR.
Mean post-ECT HRSD score:
ECT + placebo 15.9 ± 10.7
ECT + NOR 12.6 ± 9.8
ECT + VEN 13.0 ± 9.7
Significant difference between ECT + NOR and ECT + placebo in favour of NOR; ECT + VEN did not differ from the other conditions.
Seager and Bird (1962)a RCT, inpatient clinic, UK Depressive disorder (clinical observation)
Total sample n = 43, analysed sample n = 40 (drop-outs excluded for analysis)
ECT + placebo n = 21
ECT + IMI n = 19
No information available on electrode placement and dose strategy; sine wave; 2 ECT sessions/week until favourable clinical response. ECT + IMI 150 mg ECT + placebo Number of ECT sessions until response, based on clinical observation Mean number of ECT sessions until response:
ECT + placebo 7.0
ECT + IMI 6.3
No significant difference between intervention and control group.
Wilson et al. (1963)c RCT, inpatient clinic, USA Depressive disorder (clinical observation)
Total sample n = 10
ECT + atropine n = 6
ECT + IMI n = 4
No information available on electrode placement, waveform and dose strategy; 2 ECT sessions/week for six treatments. ECT + IMI 150 mg ECT + atropine 0.1 mg HRSD Mean decrease in HRSD score at week 5:
ECT + atropine 22.3 ± 1.6
ECT + IMI 20.7 ± 1.9
Difference between intervention and control group not statistically analysed.
Randomized controlled trials on adjuvant SSRI/SNRI
Lauritzen et al. (1996)a,d RCT, inpatient clinic, Denmark Major depressive disorder (DSM-III-R)
Total sample n = 87, of which n = 35 in this study arm
First 3 ECT sessions BL, thereafter UL; pulse, square wave; no information available on dose strategy; 3 ECT sessions/week until remission. ECT + PAR 30 mg ECT + placebo HRSD, number of ECT sessions Mean post-ECT HRSD score:
ECT + placebo 9.2 ± 3.4
ECT + PAR 8.9 ± 4.7
Mean number of ECT sessions until response:
ECT + placebo 11.1 ± 3.8
ECT + placebo n = 17
ECT + PAR n = 18
ECT + PAR 12.1 ± 6.3
No significant difference between intervention and control group in mean post-ECT HRSD score and number of ECT sessions until response.
Sackeim et al. (2009)b RCT, inpatient clinic, USA Major depressive disorder (DSM-IV)
Total sample n = 319
ECT + placebo n = 135
ECT + NOR n = 93
ECT + VEN n = 91
RUL or BL; pulse, square wave; dose titration (stimulus RUL 6× ST, BL 1.5× ST); 3 ECT sessions/week until remission. ECT + VEN (mean dose 187 mg/day) ECT + placebo 24-item HRSDR emission: reduction HRSD score ⩾ 60% and post-ECT HRSD ⩽ 10 Remission rate:
ECT + placebo 41.4%
ECT + NOR 54.8%
ECT + VEN 52.8%
Difference between intervention and control group shows trend in favour of NOR.
Mean post-ECT HRSD score:
ECT + placebo 15.9 ± 10.7
ECT + NOR 12.6 ± 9.8
ECT + VEN 13.0 ± 9.7
Significant difference between ECT + NOR and ECT + placebo in favour of NOR; ECT + VEN did not differ from the other conditions.
Randomized controlled trials on adjuvant MAOI
Imlah et al. (1965)a RCT, inpatient clinic, UK Depressive disorder (clinical observation)
Total sample n = 150
ECT + placebo n = 50
ECT + IMI n = 50
ECT + PHE n = 50
No information available on electrode placement, waveform and dose strategy; 2 ECT sessions/week until favourable clinical response, maximum of 12 treatments. ECT + PHE 45 mg ECT + placebo Number of ECT sessions until response, based on ‘5-point scale’ Mean number of ECT sessions until response:
ECT + placebo 7.93
ECT + IMI 7.15
ECT + PHE 6.90
No significant difference between intervention and control group.
Monaco and Delaplaine (1964) b RCT, inpatient clinic, USA Depressive disorder (clinical observation)
Total sample n = 26
ECT + placebo n = 12
ECT + TRA n = 14
No information available on ECT method. ECT + TRA 20 mg ECT + placebo Clinical observation Improvement rate at week 4:
ECT + placebo 91.7%
ECT + TRA 78.6%
Difference between intervention and control group not statistically analysed.
Muller (1961) RCT, outpatient clinic, UK Depressive disorder (clinical observation)
Total sample n = 100
ECT + placebo n = 45
ECT + PHE n = 55
No information available on electrode placement, waveform and dose strategy; 2 ECT sessions/week until clinical response. ECT + PHE 45 mg ECT + placebo ‘25-point scale’ Mean post-ECT score on ‘25-point scale’:
ECT + placebo 6.62 ± 4.04
ECT + PHE 4.82 ± 2.75
Mean decrease on ‘25 point scale’ at end of ECT:
ECT + placebo 4.31 ± 5.28
ECT + PHE 7.24 ± 4.37
Significant differences between intervention and control group in mean post-ECT score and mean decrease on ‘25-point scale’.
Retrospective cohort studies
Baghai et al. (2006) Cohort study, inpatient clinic, Germany Major depression (ICD-10)
Total sample n = 358
ECT alone n = 170
ECT + TCA n = 78
ECT + TTCA n = 40
ECT + SSRI n = 30
ECT + other AD n = 40
UL or BL; pulse, square wave; dose titration in < 5% of patients; dose strategy in remaining patients: based on age in UL, based on half-age in BL;
2.8 ECT sessions/week (mean).
ECT + AD ECT alone CGI Scores on CGI not reported.
Significantly higher severity of illness and less improvement in control group and ECT + SNRI group compared to ECT + TCA, ECT + TTCA and ECT + SSRI groups.
Kho et al. (2005) Cohort study, setting unclear, The Netherlands Major depressive disorder (DSM-IV)
Total sample n = 73
ECT alone n = 26
ECT + TCA n = 19
ECT + SSRI n = 12
ECT + combination treatment and or lithium and or antipsychotic medication n = 49
UL, UL > BL or BL; pulse, square wave; dose strategy based on age, adjusted upwards if patients used benzodiazepines and or anticonvulsants; 2 ECT sessions/week until remission. ECT + psychotropic medication (among which AD) ECT alone 17-item HRSD
Remission: reduction HRSD score ⩾ 60% and post-ECT HRSD < 8
Remission rate:
ECT alone 61.5%
ECT + psychotropic 68.1%
No significant difference between intervention and control group.
Nelson and Benjamin (1989) Cohort study, inpatient clinic, USA Depressive disorder (clinical observation)
Total sample n = 84
ECT alone n = 44
ECT + partial TCA n = 23
ECT + full TCA n = 17
UL; pulse, square wave; dose strategy:
‘Initial middle setting’ so that seizures of > 30s were obtained; no information available on frequency of ECT; ECT sessions administered until favourable clinical response.
ECT + partial TCA (IMI blood level 75–149 ng/mL or daily dose 50–99 mg)
ECT + full TCA (IMI blood level 150–300 ng/mL or daily dose > 100 mg)
ECT alone Number of ECT sessions, ‘clinical observation scale’ (no (0), slight (1), moderate (2) and marked (3) improvement) Mean post-ECT score on ‘clinical observation scale’
ECT alone 2.0
ECT + partial TCA 2.4
ECT + full TCA 2.6
Significant difference between ECT + full TCA and ECT alone; no significant difference between ECT + partial TCA and ECT alone.
Mean number of ECT sessions until response:
ECT alone 9.8
ECT + partial TCA 8.0
ECT + full TCA 8.2
Significant difference between control group and both intervention groups; no significant difference between ECT + partial TCA and ECT + full ECT.

RCT: randomized controlled trial; UK: United Kingdom; USA: United States of America; TCA: tricyclic antidepressant; SSRI: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; SNRI: serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor; MAOI: monoamine oxidase inhibitor; TTCA: tetracyclic antidepressant; AD: antidepressant; IMI: imipramine; AMI: amitriptyline; NOR: nortriptyline; PAR: paroxetine; VEN: venlafaxine; PHE: phenelzine; TRA: tranylcypromine; DSM: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; ECT: electroconvulsive therapy; RUL: right unilateral ECT; UL: unilateral ECT; BL: bilateral ECT; ST: seizure threshold; HRSD: Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression; MADRS: Montgomery Asberg Depression Rating Scale; CGI: Clinical Global Impression; ICD-10: International Classification of Diseases, tenth edition.


These studies consisted of two phases: (1) acute treatment and (2) follow-up. We only included the first phase in our systematic review and meta-analysis.


These studies had a crossover design. We only included the part prior to crossover in our systematic review and meta-analysis.


This study consisted of two phases: (1) ECT + IMI versus ECT + atropine and sham ECT + IMI versus sham ECT + atropine and (2) ECT + atropine versus IMI alone. We only included the ECT + IMI versus ECT + atropine arm of the first phase in our systematic review and meta-analysis.


This study consisted of two study arms: (1) ECT + PAR versus ECT + placebo and (2) ECT + IMI versus ECT + PAR. We only included the first study arm in our systematic review and meta-analysis.