Mice received normal water (NW) or 10% sucrose water (Suc) for 5 months. a, Heatmap shows hepatic lipid profiles measured by LC-MS. Each lipid species was normalized by the average of all mice (N = 4, 5, 8, 7 mice). b, Sucrose drinking increases saturated triglycerides, consistent with increased lipogenesis. Note that the trend is stronger in the intestine-specific Khk-C KO mice. Y-axis is a log scale. Numbers on the x-axis (for example, 48:1) mean the total number of carbons (for example, 48) and the number of double bonds (for example, 1) in triglyceride, with more unsaturated triglycerides having more double bonds (N = 4, 5, 8, 7 mice). Data are mean ± standard error.