Fig. 2.
Positive selection analyses of snowfinches. (A) Numbers of PSGs in ancestor, taczan, rufico, and adamsi. Numbers of all PSGs are marked in red, and those shared between ancestor and all three descendant snowfinches (list on the ancestral branch) as well as between ancestor and each of the descendant snowfinches (list on the respective snowfinch branches) are marked in yellow and in brackets. We calculated the observed ratios of shared PSGs between ancestor and adamsi (0.04, 15/361), ancestor and rufico (0.05, 18/355), or ancestor and taczan (0.06, 24/377). We then tested these ratios against the expected ratio (0.02, 144/6,572 genes) using a binomial test. ***P < 0.001; **P < 0.01; *P < 0.05. (B and C) Evolutionary rates of two representative genes (B, UBA6 and C, DTL). dN/dS, dN and dS in each branch are shown by black, blue, and green, respectively. (D) Statistics of nonsynonymous and synonymous substitutions in the WD40 and non-WD40 regions of the ancestor and three descendant snowfinch DTLs. The reason that we merged all three descendant species is because each species consists of only a few synonymous substitutions. Nonsyn, nonsynonymous substitutions; syn, synonymous substitutions. (E) Distribution of the nonsynonymous substitutions of the snowfinch and montan DTLs in the WD40 and non-WD40 regions, which are marked by black dots. The nonsynonymous substitutions of ancestor DTL, i.e., those shared by three snowfinches, are highlighted by purple boxes. Asterisks show sites containing two nonsynonymous substitutions, which could not be drawn separately due to the space limit.