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. 2021 Apr 1;17(4):739–748. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.9032

Table 4.

Neurocognitive function tests between groups.

S+N+C (n = 11): Group A N+C (n = 11): Group B S (n = 11): Group C Normal (n = 11): Group D P Post Hoc P
 Clinical confidence index 71.97 ± 34.31 52.82 ± 22.94 59.46 ± 31.25 32.81 ± 13.12 .010* A/D: .015, B/D: .003, C/D: .036
 Omissions 182.51 ± 143.11 58.74 ± 27.50 92.04 ± 132.50 44.20 ± 1.89 .003* A/B: .004, A/C: .038, A/D: .001, B/D: .047
 Commissions 54.11 ± 9.40 46.13 ± 11.60 56.76 ± 16.28 45.36 ± 12.12 .092 A/B: .041
 Hit rate 72.19 ± 32.42 52.25 ± 11.40 46.90 ± 14.77 42.75 ± 8.28 .097
 Hit rate standard error 78.62 ± 33.35 50.71 ± 12.74 60.58 ± 25.72 42.78 ± 5.88 .009* A/B: .023, A/D: .006, B/D: .027, C/D: .033
 Variability 68.41 ± 24.27 51.51 ± 12.35 56.64 ± 20.71 44.56 ± 6.12 .069 A/B: .048, A/D: .016
 Detectability 56.68 ± 7.66 47.13 ± 11.71 55.00 ± 9.46 45.77 ± 12.89 .018* A/B: .006, A/D: .033
 Response style 59.54 ± 17.18 53.92 ± 15.29 48.27 ± 4.68 48.07 ± 6.04 .180 A/D: .033
 Perseverations 116.38 ± 110.23 54.01 ± 39.38 126.25 ± 178.17 48.55 ± 5.88 .001* A/B: .002, A/D: .025, B/C: .002, C/D: .017
 Hit rate block change 53.99 ± 11.27 53.19 ± 9.53 34.82 ± 22.68 48.29 ± 6.52 .012* A/C: .024, B/C: .003
 Total error T score 37.44 ± 18.27 49.45 ± 11.28 40.30 ± 17.80 56.83 ± 10.85 .016* A/B: .064, A/D: .027, B/D: .031, C/D: .013
 Perseverative response T score 41.22 ± 18.12 50.81 ± 12.82 48.00 ± 18.62 62.08 ± 13.12 .047* A/D: .019, B/D: .023
 Perseverative errors T score 40.44 ± 13.42 50.55 ± 12.37 46.70 ± 17.44 62.25 ± 12.98 .021* A/D: .010, B/D: .017, C/D: .032
 Nonperseverative errors 40.67 ± 16.16 49.60 ± 9.62 42.90 ± 13.11 54.75 ± 12.58 .043* A/D: .064, C/D: .017
 % Conceptual level response T score 37.44 ± 17.22 49.52 ± 11.51 39.60 ± 16.62 57.08 ± 10.87 .007* A/B: .055, A/D: .010, B/D: .035, C/D: .007
 Learning to learn -4.38 ± 6.92 0.90 ± 3.93 0.87 ± 2.29 -0.32 ± 3.65 .191 A/B: .065

*P < .05. Group A, S+N+C: schizophrenia and narcolepsy type 1, the dual diagnoses group; group B, N+C, narcolepsy type 1, the narcolepsy group; group C, S: schizophrenia, the schizophrenia group; group D, normal: healthy control, the healthy control group. CPT = continuous performance test, WCST = Wisconsin card sorting test.