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. 2021 Apr 5;37(1):31–45. doi: 10.1007/s10869-021-09738-3

Table 2.

Supervisor-subordinate power distance orientation congruence effects on subordinate job performance when mediated by subordinate job strain

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Dyad relationship conflict difference 0.185* (0.086) −0.009 (0.053) 0.010 (0.054)
Dyad tenure −0.028 (0.022) 0.005 (0.014) 0.002 (0.014)
Supervisor education 0.040 (0.081) −0.029 (0.050) −0.025 (0.050)
Supervisor work experience −0.014† (0.007) 0.003 (0.004) 0.002 (0.004)
Supervisor gender (1 = female) −0.097 (0.158) −0.237* (0.098) −0.247* (0.097)
Subordinate gender (1 = female) −0.268† (0.153) 0.168† (0.095) 0.141 (0.094)
Subordinate age −0.029 (0.052) −0.019 (0.032) −0.022 (0.032)
Subordinate race (1 = white) 0.164 (0.153) 0.151 (0.095) 0.168† (0.094)
Service industry −0.106 (0.144) 0.128 (0.089) 0.117 (0.089)
Subordinate power distance (P) 0.054 (0.124) −0.037 (0.077) −0.031 (0.076)
Supervisor power distance (S) 0.106 (0.131) −0.153† (0.081) −0.142† (0.080)
P2 0.095 (0.131) 0.110 (0.081) 0.119 (0.080)
P × S −0.798** (0.192) −0.058 (0.119) −0.140 (0.124)
S2 0.065 (0.098) 0.125* (0.061) 0.132* (0.060)
Strain (subordinate-reported) −0.103* (0.049)
Constant 2.966** (0.367) 4.167** (0.227) 4.472** (0.267)
R2 0.179 0.115 0.140
Coef. SD
Congruence (S = P) line
Slope 0.16 (0.16)
Curvature −0.64** (0.20)
Congruence (S = −P) line
Slope −0.05 (0.20)
Curvature 0.96** (0.25)

n = 172. The coefficients and standard errors (in parentheses) are reported

*p < .05

**p < .01. (two-tailed)

p < .10