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. 2021 Mar 23;12:627669. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.627669

Table 3.

Random-effects meta-regression of crude case fatality risk over the first wave up to September 20, 2020.

MODEL 1: a priori model MODEL 2: bootstrap variable selection
Crude case fatality risk Crude case fatality risk
Covariates β SE P-value OR β SE P-value OR
Intercept −9.5118 1.3360 −10.6256 1.2843
Sociodemographic factors
GDP per capita ($1,000 USD, 2019) −0.0005 0.0084 0.950 1.00
Urban population (%) −0.0297 0.0079 <0.0001 0.97
Elderly dependency ratio (% of adults) 0.1417 0.1004 0.164 1.15
Proportion over 65 years (%) 0.0256 0.0268 0.343 1.03 −0.2221 0.1629 0.178 0.80
Proportion overweight (%) 0.0326 0.0108 0.004 1.03
Proportion smoker (%) −0.0201 0.0121 0.103 0.98
Pandemic–related factors
Time since 1st case (days)
Time since 100 cases (days)
Time since 1st death (days) 0.0246 0.0066 <0.0001 1.02 0.0314 0.0060 <0.0001 1.03
Testing coverage (n. tests per 10,000 pop) −0.0153 0.0070 0.033 0.98 −0.0112 0.0051 0.033 0.99
Health system strength
Healthcare workers (n. per 1,000 pop) 0.0044 0.0330 0.895 1.00
Hospital beds (n. per 1,000 pop) −0.1352 0.0514 0.011 0.87 −0.1055 0.0595 0.082 0.90
Health expenditure (% of GDP)
Cultural characteristics
Individualism vs. collectivism 0.0147 0.0059 0.015 1.01 0.0123 0.0060 0.047 1.01
Uncertainty avoidance 0.0124 0.0052 0.019 1.01 0.0120 0.0056 0.037 1.01
Indulgence vs. restraint 0.0138 0.0055 0.015 1.01
Long-term vs. short-term orientation 0.0192 0.0063 0.004 1.02
Power distance
Masculinity vs. femininity −0.0085 0.0044 0.057 0.99
Political characteristics
Polity (democracy vs. authoritarianism) 0.0023 0.0226 0.920 1.00
pseudo–R2: 29% pseudo R2: 47%
AIC:161.9 BIC:185.5 AIC:143.8 BIC: 175.1

Random-effects meta-regression analysis of the crude case fatality risk at the last follow-up date in the main analysis (September 20, 2020) for 73 countries. Dependent variables were logit transformation to stabilize the variance of proportions. Random-effects meta-regression was used to explore the impact of cultural characteristics on fatalities while adjusting for important predefined covariates. The odds ratios (OR) represents the odds of a fatal outcome upon exposure to a risk factor relative to no exposure. For example, an OR of 1.03 indicates that a one unit increase the proportion of the population overweight, we expect to see a 3% increase in the odds of fatal outcome among infected individuals. Pseudo-R-squared value represent the proportion of heterogeneity explained by predictors included in the model. AIC, Akaike information criterion; BIC, Bayesian information criterion. Bold font indicates a statistically significant association with outcome at p < 0.05.