Figure 4.
Diffusion of the lac repressor increases in chromosome-free cells
(A) D∗ histograms of LacI-PAmCherry in unperturbed cells (left) fitted with a two-species model (black dashed line) of a mixture of immobile (red) and mobile molecules (blue) and D∗ distribution of LacI-PAmCherry in chromosome-free cells 120 min after I-SceI induction (right) fitted with a model for mobile molecules (green).
(B) Mean-squared displacement plots from data in (A) and (D) ( Error bars: STD).
(C) Cumulative distributions of the step lengths between consecutive localizations in unperturbed and chromosome-free cells for LacI-PAmCherry, the LacI41-PAmCherry DNA-binding mutant, and unconjugated PAmCherry. Distributions shift to longer steps with increasing diffusion coefficient.
(D) D∗ histograms of LacI41-PAmCherry in unperturbed cells (left, purple) and in chromosome-free cells 120 min after I-SceI induction (right, magenta) fitted with a model for mobile molecules.
See also Figure S5.