PCR validation of special features. (A) Chromosome 5 inversion. Inversion shown with arrows in green. Primers I1, I2, I3, and I4 were designed to span the breakpoints of the two inversion haplotypes chr05 and chr05b. Primer products shown as thin black lines (not to scale); expected primer product size is shown for each primer pair. Breakpoint positions in polished genome (Supplementary File S5) given above chr05. Yellow dots are telomeres. (B) Chromosome 13/18 translocation. Primers T1, T2, T3, and T4 were designed to span the breakpoints of the four translocation haplotypes chr13, chr18, chr13_18, and chr18_13. Key as in Figure 2A. (C) PCR products shown via gel electrophoresis against a 50-bp Invitrogen DNA ladder (left) for the inversion (I1–I4), the translocation (T1–T4) and two incomplete chromosomes (Supplementary File S1 Section 2.2, File S5, Table S3 and S4). “+” and “−” lanes show product and negative control (water), respectively.