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. 2020 Nov 19;5:574811. doi: 10.3389/fsoc.2020.574811

Table 3.

Presents an overview of the measuring variables included in the COVID-19 technology, self-isolation, health, well-being, and leisure activities study.

Survey section Survey items Example of question(s) Source
Participant Consent Q1 Participant consent NA NA
Section A
Computer ownership, purpose of using a computer, length and frequency of use, video game console ownership, favorite type of game to play. How the internet is accessed, frequency of using the internet, purpose of using the internet. Type of social media platforms used, frequency and purpose of using social media platforms. • Have you used a computer? (select answer)
• How long have you used a computer for? (select answer)
• Do you use social networking sites
• Why do you use social media sites
(Marston, 2012, 2019; Marston et al., 2016, 2019; Genoe et al., 2018; Freeman et al., 2020)
Section B
COVID-19 related questions: purpose of using technology/internet/social media platforms to share information, communicate with support groups, challenges faced during COVID-19. • Since COVID-19, have you become a member of a community support group on social media (e.g., Facebook or similar)?
• Since COVID-19, have you signed up to receive community deliveries/assistance (e.g., groceries from a local newsagents /community shop / butcher's / farmer's market)?
• Please describe why you WOULD sign up to receive community deliveries and/or assistance. If you choose not to answer please write N/A
• Please describe why you are unsure or you WOULD NOT sign up to receive community deliveries and/or assistance. If you choose not to answer please write N/A
• Since COVID-19, how have you been spending your time? Select all that apply
• My death and that of people close to me (e.g., family members)
• Limited social contact with friends and family
• Not having a job to go back to
• I am on my own. I have no support (e.g., no children etc.)
• Education for my child/children
• On your digital device do you share information about COVID-19?
• Why do you share information surrounding COVID-19–select all that apply
Q17-25 - new items added aimed specifically at Covid-19 experiences.
Q26-35 - adapted from (Genoe et al., 2018; Marston, 2019; Marston et al., 2019; Freeman et al., 2020)
Section C
13-items, 1–7 pt Likert COVID-19 related questions • Making new social connections/friendships
• Spending more time with spouse/family members
• Being a key worker and helping in this pandemic
• Being isolated more
• Giving something back
• Please describe how your communication behavior(s) has changed since COVID-19. If you choose not to answer please write N/A
• Since COVID-19, has the way you use your digital devices changed your way of communication?
New items added relating to Covid-19
Section D
18-item measure, 1–7 pt Likert Psychological well-being • “I am good at managing the responsibilities of daily life.”
• “I think it is important to have new experiences that challenge how I think about myself and the world.”
• “I judge myself by what I think is important, not by the values of what others think is important.”
Ryff and Keyes, 1995; Ryff and Singer, 1998
Section E
8-item measures, 1–5 pt Likert scale eHealth/digital literacy • I know where to find helpful health resources on the Internet
• I know how to use the health information I find on the Internet to help me
• I feel confident in using information from the Internet to make health decisions
Norman and Skinner, 2006
Section F
UCLA Loneliness scale
Version 3, 20-item measure, 1-4 pt Likert scale
• How often do you feel that you are “in tune” with the people around you?
• How often do you feel part of a group of friends?
• How often do you feel that your interests and ideas are not shared by those around you?
• How often do you feel that no one really knows you well?
Russell, 1996
Section G
Social networks, virtual assistants and emergency alert systems • During the COVID-19 pandemic, how frequently have you communicated with members of your social network? Please rate your answers below on each of the sliders
• Does your country have a National Emergency Alert System (e.g., mobile app or SMS)?
• Please describe what your thoughts are relating to a National Emergency Alert System (e.g., mobile app or SMS)? If you choose not to answer please write N/A
• Virtual Assistants such as Alexa, Google Home, Siri have various features. Please describe whether you think such devices or similar would be suitable as a way of sharing National Emergency Alert Systems. If you choose not to answer please write N/A
New items added to the survey.
Section H
Demographic questions: gender, age, country, ethnicity, geographic location, education, sexuality, marital status, #of people living your home, #of children living your home, employment status, disability, self-isolation • Do you meet the criteria for being vulnerable or extremely vulnerable?
• Have you had to self-isolate because of COVID-19?
(UK Government, (n.d.); Marston, 2012, 2019; Patten, 2015; Marston et al., 2016, 2019; Genoe et al., 2018; Settlement Hierarchy, 2019; Thrive, 2019; Education in the United States, 2020; Freeman et al., 2020)