Results of the correlational analysis a
Cognitive and clinical variables | F1 | F2 |
Hayling error | 0.44 c | 0.44 |
Mini‐SEA Faux Pas Test | –0.19 | 0.20 |
Mini‐SEA emotion | 0.31 | –0.45 c |
DAS total | ‐0.06 | –0.25 |
HADS anxiety | 0.47 c | 0.25 |
HADS depression | 0.42 | 0.52 b |
Abbreviations: bvFTD; behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia; Hayling error, measure of cognitive disinhibition; mini‐SEA Faux Pas Test, measure of complex social cognition; mini‐SEA emotion, measure of emotion recognition; DAS, Dimensional Apathy Scale; HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale.
Values are the Pearson correlation coefficients in bvFTD patients (N = 15).
Significant correlation at P < .05.
Significant correlation at P < .1.