Table 1.
Genetic polymorphisms associated with sport performance
Gene | Full name | Associated phenotypes | Polymorphism ID | References |
ACE | Angiotensin I converting enzyme | I allele, endurance performance; D allele, power performance | rs4646994 (Alu I/D) | 28,29,31,146 |
ACTN3 | α-actinin-3 | 577Ter (T) allele, endurance performance; Arg577 (C) allele, power performance | rs1815739 C>T | 28,39,91,147 |
ADRB2 | β-2adrenoreceptor | 16Arg (A) and Gln27 (C) alleles, endurance performance | rs1042713 G>A; rs1042714 C>G | 92,93,94,146 |
BDKRB2 | Bradykinin receptor B2 | T allele, endurance performance | rs1799722 C>T | 93,146 |
COL5A1 | Collagen, type V, α1 | CC genotype, protection from exercise-associated muscle cramps during an ultra-marathon; T allele, endurance performance | rs12722 C>T | 95,96,146,148 |
CRP | C-reactive protein, pentraxin-related | A allele, endurance performance | rs1205 A>G | 97,98,146 |
GABPB1 | GA binding protein transcription factor, β subunit 1 (nuclear respiratory factor 2 | G allele, endurance performance | rs7181866 A>G | 99,146 |
PPARA | Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α | G allele, endurance performance; C allele, power performance | rs4253778 G>C | 100,101,146 |
PPARGC1A | Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator 1 α | G allele, endurance performance | rs8192678 G>A | 102,103,146 |
VEGFA | Vascular endothelial growth factor A | C allele, endurance performance | rs2010963 G>C | 104,105,146 |
ADRA2A | α-2A-adrenergic receptor | Central role in the regulation of systemic sympathetic activity and hence cardiovascular responses such as heart rate and blood pressure | Dra I identifies a restriction fragment length polymorphism in the 3_-untranslated region (6.7-/6.3-kb polymorphism | 92 |
AMPD1 | Adenosine monophosphate deaminase 1 | GG homozygotes, elite power athlete status, quicker acceleration and sprint times | rs17602729 G>A | 77,149 |
EPAS1 | Endothelial PAS domain protein 1 | AA genotype in rs1867785, underrepresented in sprint/power athletes; TT genotype in rs11689011, underrepresented in sprint/power athletes | rs1867785; rs11689011 | 124 |
NFATC4 | Nuclear factor of activated T cell calcineurin-dependent 4 | G allele, elite endurance athlete status | rs2229309 G>C | 125 |
NOS3 | Nitric oxide synthase 3 | GG genotype, slower than the other genotypes | rs1799983 T>A>G | 92,126 |
AGT | Angiotensinogen | 235Thr (C) allele, power performance | rs699 T>C | 106,107,146 |
IL6 | Interleukin-6 | G allele, power performance | rs1800795 C>G | 108,109,146 |
TRHR | Thyrotropin- releasing hormone receptor | C allele, muscle mass | rs16892496 A>C | 110,146 |
VDR | Vitamin D receptor | A allele, power performance | rs1544410 A>G | 111,112,146 |
PPARGC1B | Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ coactivator 1 α | C allele, power athlete status | rs10060424 T>A,C | 114 |
PPARG | Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ | G allele, short-term and very intense exertion with anaerobic energy production | rs1801282 C>G | 115 |
HIF1A | Hypoxia-inducible factor 1α | T allele, higher frequency in weightlifters and power-orientated athletes | rs11549465 C>T | 115,117,118 |
PTPRK | Protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type K | C allele, sprint test performance | rs55743914 C>T | 120 |
TERT | Telomerase reverse transcriptase | G allele, sprinters | rs33954691 G>A | 120 |
RDH13 | Retinol dehydrogenase 13 | G allele, increased proportion of fast-twitch muscle fibres | rs4806637 A>G | 120 |
CBLN2 | Cerebellin 2 precursor | G allele, sprinters | rs8093502 C>T | 120 |
CPNE5 | Copine V | G allele, sprinters | rs3213537 C>T | 120 |
CNTN4 | contactin 4 | A allele, overrepresented in football players | rs62247016 A>T | 120 |
LINC00305, LINC01924 | Long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 305, 1924 | Functional role in development of atherosclerosis by inducing production of inflammatory cytokines in monocytes, by regulating apoptosis via miR-136 | rs2850711 A>T | 150 |
AGTR1 | Angiotensin II receptor type 1 | C allele, essential hypertension. A allele, downregulated by the miR-155 | rs5186 A>C | 151 |
MIR499A | MicroRNA 499a | GG genotype, myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke. The rs3746444 polymorphism disturbs regulation of blood pressure and anti-apoptotic effect in cardiomyocytes | rs3746444 A>G | 152 |
MIR4513 | MicroRNA 4513 | Blood pressure, total lipids, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, blood glucose. TT genotype, coronary artery disease. T allele, decrease in Mir-4513 | rs2168518 C>T | 152 |
MIR149 | MicroRNA 149 | Coronary artery disease | rs2292832 T>C | 152 |
MIR27A | MicroRNA 27a | C allele, increases in the expression of the miR with negative effect on adipogenesis. CC genotype, protective role against T2DM. G allele, increased risk of early cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy | rs895819 T>A,C,G | 152 |
CREB1 | CAMP responsive element binding protein 1 | A allele, smaller reduction in heart rate during a submaximal exercise test following training; greater exercise-induced temperature increase | rs2253206 A>G,T | 148 |
CPT2 | Carnitine palmitoyltransferase 2 | Minor alleles, CPT2 deficiency | rs1799821 G>A; rs1799822 A>G | 149 |
PYGM | Muscle associated glycogen phosphorylase | Truncating variant, exercise intolerance, cramps and contractures during exercise and stressful situations | rs116987552 G>A | 149 |
CNTF | Ciliary neurotrophic factor | GG genotype, athlete phenotype | rs1800169 G>A | 147 |
ACVR1B | Activin A receptor type 1B | Dynamic knee flexion and extension, isometric strength | rs11612312 T>C; rs2854464 A>C,G | 153 |
NGF | Nerve growth factor | CC genotype, more anxious females; TT genotype, more anxious males, less anxious females | rs6330 C>T | 154 |
BDNF | Brain-derived neurotrophic factor | CC genotype, quicker sprinters than A allele carriers | rs6265 G>A | 154 |
NGFR | Nerve growth factor receptor | Vagal autonomic dysregulation | rs2072446 C>T | 154 |
MSTN | Myostatin | Peak power during muscle contractions | rs1805086 A>G | 154,155 |
SCN9A | Sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 9 | AA genotype, increased perception of pain | rs1805086 A>G | 154 |
COMT | Catechol-O-methyltransferase | A allele, higher dopamine levels; lower pain threshold; enhanced vulnerability to stress. G allele, lower dopamine levels; higher pain threshold; better stress resiliency |
s4680 G>A | 154 |