Fig. 5.
Distinct enrichment of biological pathways coordinated at the levels of mRNA abundance, m6A modification, and translational efficiency in the hybrid. (A–H) Non-additive genes characterized by mRNA abundance, m6A modification, and translational efficiency were compiled together and subject to k-means clustering analysis. Each level of mRNA abundance, m6A intensity, and translational efficiency was converted to percentiles using the empirical cumulative distribution function. The color indicates the relative level of mRNA abundance, m6A intensity, and translational efficiency. A total of eight clusters were identified and the number of genes in each cluster is shown at the left. Significantly enriched gene ontology (GO) terms were identified by FuncAssociate 3.0 (permutation-based corrected P<0.001) and shown at the right. The details of all significantly enriched GO terms are listed in Supplementary Table S6.