Fig. 2 |. Reactions carried out by the radical SAM maturase HydG.
a | The X-ray structure of HydG, which features two Fe–S clusters (Protein Data Bank identifier: 4WCX)38. b | Tyrosine is subjected to radical reactions that see it fragment into the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)-active 4-hydroxybenzyl radical (4-OB·) and dehydroglycine (DHG). These further convert to p-cresol, CO and CN−. c | The organometallic synthon forms at the auxiliary 5Fe–4S cluster, as evidenced by FTIR spectroscopy. ENDOR, electron–nuclear double resonance; FTIR, Fourier transform infrared; HYSCORE, hyperfine sublevel correlation; SAM, S-adenosylmethionine. Part b adapted with permission from REF.30, AAAS. Part c adapted with permission from REF.35, AAAS.