Fig. 4 |. The CNC component of the azadithiolate is sourced from serine.
a | 15N and 13C electron–nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectra arising from the Hox H-cluster electron paramagnetic resonance signal of a HydA1 [FeFe] hydrogenase sample produced by in vitro maturation with added 13C3,15N-labelled serine. b | 13C ENDOR spectra of the Hox state of HydA1 [FeFe] hydrogenase samples produced via in vitro maturation with added 13C3 15N-labelled, 1-13C-labelled, 2-13C-labelled and 3-13C-labelled serine, respectively, showing that the C atoms of the azadithiolate (adt2−) bridge originate from the 3-C of serine. Part b adapted with permission from REF.49, Royal Society of Chemistry.