Rational enzyme engineering of ancestral terpene cyclase
(a) Activity of variant library based on SvS-A2 as scaffold measured
by Malachite Green assay using single substrates. Variants are classified
as inactive (I), promiscuous (II), GGPP-specific (III), or FPP-specific
(IV). Activities are given relative to SvS-A2 GGPP activity (defined
as 1.0). Variants with values below the sensitivity threshold are
represented with a dash. Error bars are standard deviations from triplicates.
Selected representative variants for each group are enclosed by colored
boxes. (b) Crystal structures of the three representative variants
from (a) with the mutated residues shown as cyan sticks and balls.
The DDxx(x)D motif is shown in violet, NSE motif in cyan/teal, effector
motif in light green. (c) Thermal stability of representative variants
of SvS-A2. Melting temperatures were determined by nano-DSF as the
maximum of the derivative of the 330/350 nm ratio (technical triplicates,
one representative trace is shown). (d) Product formation by representative
variants assessed by GC-FID. Triplicates using ca. 400 nM of SvS-A2
variants and 2 μM of SvS-WT variants were incubated with a mix
of both 60 μM FPP and GGPP (3 h at 30 °C) in vitro (different
enzyme concentration used due to different protein stability). Product
formation was quantified relative to an internal standard. Activities
are given relative to SvS-A2 GGPP activity (for SvS-A2 variants) and
relative to SvS-WT GGPP activity (for SvS-WT variants, each defined
as 1.0, respectively).