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. 2020 Apr 24;91(4):396–400. doi: 10.1080/17453674.2020.1754645

Table 1.

Descriptive statistics of study population presented for waiting time to hip fracture surgery less or more than 24 hours (first fractures, 2013–2017). Values are number (%) unless otherwise specified

Factor ≤ 24 hours > 24 hours Total
No. of patients 41,569 (70) 18,106 (30) 59,675
Women 28,615 (71) 11,837 (29) 40,452
Men 12,954 (67) 6,269 (33) 19,223
Mean age (SD) 83 (8) 83 (8) 83 (8)
ASA 1 1,845 (76) 571 (24) 2,416
ASA 2 15,278 (73) 5,539 (27) 20,817
ASA 3 21,798 (68) 10,115 (32) 31,913
ASA 4 2,648 (58) 1,881 (42) 4,529
Cervical fractures 20,544 (67) 10,087 (33) 30,631
Non-cervical fractures 21,025 (72) 8,019 (28) 29,044
Surgical method 1 a 25,501 (69) 11,629 (31) 37,130
Surgical method 2 b 16,068 (71) 6,477 (29) 22,545
Time until surgery c 16 (10–20) 32 (27–44) 20 (13–26)
30-day survival d 93 (92–93) 91 (91–92) 92 (92–93)
4-month survival d 85 (85–85) 82 (81–82) 84 (83–84)
Living independently before hip fracture 29,468 (70) 12,923 (30) 42,391
On anticoagulants e 4,687 (57) 3,543 (43) 8,230

a Intramedullary nail, hemiarthroplasty; total hip replacement.

b Two screws, pins, or nails; screw, pin, or nail with side plate; three or more screws, pins, or nails; others.

c Median (25th and 75th percentiles) tme in hours. Calculated as time in minutes between arrival at hospital and surgery divided by 60 minutes.

d Percentage survival with (95% confidence interval)

e Information concerning anticoagulant use on admission (yes/no) was available for 46,311 patients, i.e., 78% of the study population.