Table 1.
Descriptive statistics of study population presented for waiting time to hip fracture surgery less or more than 24 hours (first fractures, 2013–2017). Values are number (%) unless otherwise specified
Factor | ≤ 24 hours | > 24 hours | Total |
No. of patients | 41,569 (70) | 18,106 (30) | 59,675 |
Women | 28,615 (71) | 11,837 (29) | 40,452 |
Men | 12,954 (67) | 6,269 (33) | 19,223 |
Mean age (SD) | 83 (8) | 83 (8) | 83 (8) |
ASA 1 | 1,845 (76) | 571 (24) | 2,416 |
ASA 2 | 15,278 (73) | 5,539 (27) | 20,817 |
ASA 3 | 21,798 (68) | 10,115 (32) | 31,913 |
ASA 4 | 2,648 (58) | 1,881 (42) | 4,529 |
Cervical fractures | 20,544 (67) | 10,087 (33) | 30,631 |
Non-cervical fractures | 21,025 (72) | 8,019 (28) | 29,044 |
Surgical method 1 a | 25,501 (69) | 11,629 (31) | 37,130 |
Surgical method 2 b | 16,068 (71) | 6,477 (29) | 22,545 |
Time until surgery c | 16 (10–20) | 32 (27–44) | 20 (13–26) |
30-day survival d | 93 (92–93) | 91 (91–92) | 92 (92–93) |
4-month survival d | 85 (85–85) | 82 (81–82) | 84 (83–84) |
Living independently before hip fracture | 29,468 (70) | 12,923 (30) | 42,391 |
On anticoagulants e | 4,687 (57) | 3,543 (43) | 8,230 |
a Intramedullary nail, hemiarthroplasty; total hip replacement.
b Two screws, pins, or nails; screw, pin, or nail with side plate; three or more screws, pins, or nails; others.
c Median (25th and 75th percentiles) tme in hours. Calculated as time in minutes between arrival at hospital and surgery divided by 60 minutes.
d Percentage survival with (95% confidence interval)
e Information concerning anticoagulant use on admission (yes/no) was available for 46,311 patients, i.e., 78% of the study population.