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. 2021 Mar 24;12:616937. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.616937


FT-IR vibrational peak assignment in response to carbazomycin B treatment.

Definition of the spectral assignment Classification Peak variation (cm1)
Control 1 × MIC 2 × MIC
C-O, C-C str, C-O-H, C-O-C def of carbohydrates Glycogen and nucleic acids 1064.24 1068.79 1081.48
P = O str (asym) of > PO2 phosphodiesters Mainly nucleic acids 1234.36 1236.82 1237.94
C = O str (sym) of COO amino acid side chains, fatty acids 1388.36 1389.18 1390.14
Amide II (protein N–H bend, C–N stretch) α helices 1528.37 1533.94 1543.78
Amide I of β-pleated sheet structures β-pleated sheet 1636.55 1647.42 1648.15
C-H str (asym) of > CH2 Mainly lipids 2929.72 2933.88 2935.29
O-H str of hydroxyl groups Polysaccharides, proteins 3278.44 3283.42 3287.68

Str, stretching; def, deformation; sym, symmetric; asym, antisymmetric.