Self-healing behavior and permeability of TSHSP hydrogel. (A)–(C) Response of AHA/CMC (A), GEL/PEG-SG (B), and TSHSP(C) hydrogels to increasing strains. (D)–(F) Recovery performance of AHA/CMC (D), GEL/PEG-SG (E), and TSHSP(F) hydrogels after repeated deformations. (G) Macroscopic self-healing behavior of TSHSP hydrogels (i), healed TSHSP hydrogels were lifted against their own weights (ii-iii). Hydrogels were stained with blue and red food dyes. (H) The dyes in the healed TSHSP hydrogel (fused after 4 h at room temperature) almost entirely escaped into PBS after 2 h at 37 °C (i), the new added yellow food dyes infiltrated into the hydrogel after another 2 h (ii). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)