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. 2021 Mar 24;12:621272. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.621272


Indirect and direct effects of mediation analysis for the factors contrast as exogenous variable (contrast 1: exercise versus non-exercise; contrast 2: yoga and ballroom dance versus team and individual sports; contrast 3: yoga versus ballroom dance; contrast 4: team versus individual sports), body image variables and physical efficacy as mediator.

Effect Perceptual Body Image
Cognitive Body Image
Affective Body Image
BIAS-BD Body Dissatisfaction BIAS-BD Body Size Distortion MBSRQ-AS Self-Classified Weight EDI-2 Body Dissatisfaction MBSRQ-AS Body Areas Satisfaction MBSRQ-AS Appearance Evaluation
Contrast 1 Indirect effect a*b [95% CI] −0.85 [−1.41, −0.29] 0.27 [-0.81, 0.29] −0.03 [−0.05, −0.00] −0.96 [−1.43, −0.47] 0.06 [0.03, 0.09] 0.08 [0.04, 0.12]
Direct effect c (p value) 0.10 (p = 0.955) 0.17 (p = 0.650) 0.01 (p = 0.833) 0.19 (p = 0.629) 0.01 (p = 0.670) 0.01 (p = 0.826)
Contrast 2 Indirect effect a*b [95% CI] 0.18 [0.47, 0.80] 0.06 [0.23, 0.33] 0.01 [0.02, 0.03] 0.20 [0.48, 0.89] 0.01 [0.06, 0.03] 0.02 [0.08, 0.04]
Direct effect c (p value) 0.86 (p = 0.475) 0.82 (p = 0.496) 0.01 (p = 0.833) 0.87 (p = 0.293) 0.07 (p = 0.126) 0.07 (p = 0.321)
Contrast 3 Indirect effect a*b [95% CI] 0.55 [0.46, 1.57] 0.18 [0.38, 0.71] 0.02 [0.02, 0.06] 0.62 [0.51, 1.75] 0.04 [0.12, 0.03] 0.05 [0.15, 0.05]
Direct effect c (p value) 0.08 (p = 0.955) 0.80 (p = 0.632) 0.12 (p = 0.109) 0.50 (p = 0.629) 0.02 (p = 0.755) 0.07 (p = 0.576)
Contrast 4 Indirect effect a*b [95% CI] 0.63 [1.42, 0.19] 0.20 [0.67, 0.27] 0.02 [0.05, 0.01] 0.71 [1.53, 0.11] 0.05 [0.01, 0.10] 0.06 [0.01, 0.13]
Direct effect c (p value) 1.51 (p = 0.345) 1.03 (p = 0.496) 0.01 (p = 0.833) 1.16 (p = 0.293) 0.05 (p = 0.445) 0.04 (p = 0.650)

Significant results are printed in bold. Body image was assessed via the Body Image Assessment Scale-Body Dimensions (BIAS-BD; Gardner et al., 2009) for body dissatisfaction and body size distortion, the Eating Disorder Inventory-2 (EDI-2; Garner, 1991; German version by Thiel et al., 1997) for body dissatisfaction, and the Multidimensional Body-Self Relations Questionnaire-Appearance Scales (MBSRQ-AS; Cash et al., 1986; German version by Vossbeck-Elsebusch et al., 2014) for body dissatisfaction, body satisfaction, and self-classified weight.