Fig. 1.
Characteristics of parental and prexasertib acquired‐resistant SCLC cell lines. Cell viability of parental and prexasertib‐resistant SCLC cell lines: (A) GLC4 and (B) H792. Cells were treated with different concentrations of prexasertib for 72 h and cell viabilities were detected by CellTilter‐Glo. (C) Cell doubling times for H792P and H792LYR cell lines. (D) Cell doubling time for GLC4P and GLC4LYR cell lines. Cells were seeded in six‐well plates, 103 per well, and counted every 24 h for 196 h. Data are represented as mean ± SD of three independent experiments. (E) Cell cycle analysis by PI staining and flow cytometry for H792P and H792LYR cells with or without 50 nm prexasertib treatment for 24, 48 and 72 h. (F) Quantification of the cell cycle analysis. (G) Histogram shows the different cell cycle phases: TG1, TS and TG2/M for H792, GLC4 parental and resistant cells, respectively. (H) Cells were treated with prexasertib 50 or 500 nm for 48 h, and apoptosis or DNA repair response proteins as indicated were detected by WB.