Figure 4.
GFPhighBECs are enriched in small intrahepatic ductules. (A) WGA labels cell membranes and facilitates quantification of Sox9EGFP cells qualitatively identified as high (H) and low (L) (scale bar = 10 μm). (B) Qualitatively identified GFPhigh cells are significantly brighter than GFPlow cells by quantification of confocal images (n = 307 GFPlow, 215 GFPhigh; ∗ indicates P < .001, unpaired t test; a.u. = arbitrary units). (C) Quantification of EGFP intensity relative to duct diameter demonstrates distribution of Sox9EGFP populations across the intrahepatic biliary tree (n = 2589 cells). (D) GFPhigh BECs are most abundant in small ductules and rare with increasing duct size (n = 954 cells 0–5 μm, 523 cells 5–10 μm, 1112 cells >10 μm). (E) BEC size increases with increasing duct diameter, and BECs located in ducts with luminal diameter ≥10 μm are significantly larger than BECs located in the smallest ductules (n = 954 cells 0–5 μm, 523 cells 5–10 μm, 1112 cells >10 μm; ∗ indicates P < .001, one-way analysis of variance and Tukey test). (F) GFPlow BECs located in ductules and ducts do not differ significantly in size, whereas GFPhigh BECs located in ducts are significantly larger than GFPhigh BECs located in ductules (∗ indicates P = .01, one-way analysis of variance and Tukey test).