Selectivity of electrode and H2-driven catalyst systems
for generation of [2H]-labeled NADH. (A) Distribution of
products formed by each of the Electro-Enzymatic, Electro-Chemo, Bio, Chemo-Bio, and Chemo- catalysts, studied under comparable
conditions. The three catalysts containing an NAD+ reductase
unit were found to be selective for a single product: [4S-2H]-NADH. Reaction mixtures contained 4 mM NAD+ in 2H2O (p2H 8.0), and the products
were analyzed using HPLC and 1H NMR (Figures S5 and S6 in the Supporting Information). For electrode-driven
experiments, the electrode was poised at −560 mV vs SHE. For
H2-driven reactions the catalysts were operated in H2-saturated solution (2 bar of H2). (B) Experiments
to determine the relationship between the enzyme/metal mass ratio
and the chemoselectivity, isotopic selectivity, and stereoselectivity
of the Chemo-Bio catalyst for making [4S-2H]-NADH from NAD+ under 1H2 gas in 2H2O. Comparisons of selectivity
were all made at similar levels of conversion (90–95%). (i)
Chemoselectivity (as measured by HPLC): in converting NAD+ to 1,4-NADH, the formation of a biologically inactive side product
(1,6-NADH) by Pt/C catalysts was increasingly suppressed by the addition
of NAD+ reductase. (ii) Isotopic selectivity and stereoselectivity
(as measured by 1H NMR): of the 1,4-NADH formed, a distribution
of isotopomers was observed consisting of [4R-2H]-NADH, [4S-2H]-NADH, and unlabeled
(no 2H) NADH. Again, increasing the NAD+ reductase
loading on the Pt/C catalyst led to the formation of exclusively [4S-2H]-NADH. Note: (*) The Electro-Chemo system was also operated at more negative potentials, giving rise
to NADH and biologically inactive forms (see Section S.2.1 in the Supporting Information).