Figure 5.
CNGβ1 N-terminal GARP domain is confined to the rod outer segment. A–H, Retinal cross-sections from transgenic Xenopus rods expressing membrane-anchored TM-CNGβ1CT (A), lipidated YFP-RhoCTΔ5-CNGβ1CT (B), lipidated YFP-RhoCTΔ5-CNGβ1CT28 (C), lipidated YFP-RhoCTΔ5 (D), membrane-anchored CNGβ1NT-TM (E), soluble CNGβ1NT (F), soluble GFP (G), and soluble CNGβ1GARP constructs (H). Diagram of transfected constructs are shown above their corresponding panel. Constructs that include N terminal of human CNGβ1 were detected using an anti-GARP antibody. Nuclei are counterstained with Hoechst (blue). Scale bar: 5 µm in all panels. All Xenopus tadpoles were analyzed at stage 43–45.