Extended Data Fig. 6. Neanderthal ancestry in IUP Bacho Kiro Cave individuals.
a, The proportion of Neanderthal ancestry in Bacho Kiro Cave individuals and other ancient and present-day modern humans calculated with a direct f4 ratio that takes advantage of the two high-coverage Neanderthal genomes9,10,41. f4 ratio (alpha) values calculated using ADMIXTOOLS28 as implemented in admixr61. b, c, Neanderthals9,10,42 share significantly more derived alleles with the IUP Bacho Kiro Cave individuals than with most present-day31 (b) or ancient modern humans (c). D values calculated using ADMIXTOOLS28 as implemented in admixr61. Filled circles correspond to |Z| ≥ 3; open circles indicate |Z| < 3 (not significant). Error bars in all panels show s.e. calculated using a weighted block jackknife28 across all autosomes on the 2200k Panel (nsnps = 2,056,573) and a block size of 5 Mb.