a-b In the narrow pulse limit, the simulated time(t)-dependent diffusivity D∥(t) along axons scales as in Eq. (8), and its bulk diffusivity D∞ correlates with the caliber variation CV(r) via Eq. (9). c In the wide pulse limit (t = δ), the simulated diffusivity D⊥(δ) transverse to axons scales as δ−2 (dashed line) at very long times δ ≳ 50 ms. d Based on the analysis of realistic axonal skeleton (Appendix D), the estimated undulation wavelength λ positively correlates with the undulation amplitude w0. e-f Translating the simulated D⊥ into an effective radius rMR measured by MR via Eq. (10), the value of rMR is compared with the contributions of caliber variations and undulations, rcal and rund in Eq. (11) respectively. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient R of rMR and each contribution is also shown as a function of time δ (insets). The result in panel b is similar to Fig. 2d in (Lee et al., 2020b), whereas the short T2 and slow diffusivity in mitochondria are ignored here to focus on the effect of axonal shape. The results in panels c and e-f are similar, but not identical, to the ones obtained using ERL algorithm in Fig. 7 of (Lee et al., 2020a). Here, these simulations were re-done using elastic collision with impermeable membranes, and the estimation of undulation amplitude and wavelength is purely based on the geometry of axonal skeleton, as opposed to using ERL in simulations and fitting a 1-harmonic undulation model to simulated D⊥ with fit parameters w0 and λ in (Lee et al., 2020a). The effective theory parameters and scaling relations are essentially the same for both MC implementations (elastic collision vs ERL) because only diffusion simulations within impermeable cells were performed.