Knockdown of erg and fli1 in zebrafish reduces activity of both venous and arterial enhancers, and reduces the endogenous expression of both venous and arterial genes. A-B. Representative tg(Ephb4-2WT:GFP) transgenic zebrafish (A), and wildtype zebrafish after whole-mount in situ hybridization for venous markers ephb4 and stab1l (B) after morpholino-induced erg/fli1 knockdown. C-D. Representative tg(Dll4in3WT:GFP) transgenic zebrafish (C), and wildtype zebrafish after whole-mount in situ hybridization for arterial markers dll4a and efnb2 (D) after morpholino-induced erg/fli1 knockdown. Numbers on top right of B and D indicate number of embryos with the predominant and displayed phenotype per total number of embryos analyzed. E-F. Graphs depicting observed GFP/endogenous gene expression levels. Ephb4-2:GFP cnt n = 460, 3 ng MO n = 420, 4.5 ng MO n = 279, 6 ng MO n = 341. Dll4in3:GFP cnt n = 34, 3 ng MO n = 29, 4.5 ng MO n = 67, 6 ng MO n = 27. ephb4 cnt n = 34, 6 ng MO n = 40; stab1l cnt n = 40, 6 ng MO n = 38; dll4a cnt n = 34, 6 ng MO n = 34; efnb2 cnt n = 38, 6 ng MO n = 38.