a Drinking in the dark test for ethanol consumption (DID). For 3 days, mice are able to drink a 15% ethanol solution for 2 h in the dark phase of the day. The fourth day, mice are able to drink for 4 h. The consumption is measured in grams of ethanol per kilogram of weight (g/kg). Male KI α2 mice drink more than WT mice in the firsts days of the test. n = 29 KI α2 and n = 12 WT. Data are mean ± SEM, Two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni post hoc test, **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05. b Blood ethanol concentration (BEC) after ethanol consumption on the first day of the test. BEC from KI α2 mice is higher than from WT mice. n = 10 KI α2 and n = 10 WT. Data are mean ± SEM, unpaired Student t test *p < 0.05. c BEC after ethanol consumption on the fourth day of the test. n = 12 KI α2 and n = 8 WT. Data are mean ± SEM, unpaired Student t test p > 0.05, ns not significant.