The addition of exogenous CCNB1 alleviated the impairment caused by FBXO34-MO. (A) GVBD rates of control, FBXO34-MO group, and FBXO34-MO+CCNB1-GFP mRNA group at 1, 2, and 3 h following release from IBMX. (B) Western blot of the CCNB1-GFP, endogenous CCNB1, and actin in the control group and the CCNB1-GFP mRNA group were presented (180 oocytes per sample). (C) The dynamics of CCNB1-GFP were shown by live-cell imaging in control oocytes and FBXO34-MO oocytes. Images of live cells were taken every 10 min from releasing to occurrence of GVBD. Scale bar, 20 μm. Quantitative data were obtained from at least three independent repeats, and one repeat of each experiment contained at least 50 oocytes. The error bars of quantitative data represent the standard deviation (*P < 0.05).