Table 2.
Distributions of injury types in hospitalised patients.
Type of ocular trauma | Number of cases (%) |
Mechanical ocular injuries | |
Open-globe injuries | |
Penetrating | 1321 (59.8%) |
Rupture | 225 (10.2%) |
Perforating | 12 (0.5%) |
Intraocular foreign body | 106 (4.8%) |
Closed-globe injuries | |
Contusion | 312 (14.1%) |
Lamellar laceration | 19 (0.9%) |
Non-Mechanical ocular injuries | |
Chemical injury | 28 (1.3%) |
Thermal injury | 21 (0.9%) |
electrical injury | 1 (0.0%) |
Ocular adnexa injuriesa | 94 (4.2%) |
Othersb and unknown | 72 (3.3%) |
Total | 2211 (100.00%) |
aOcular adnexal injuries included eyelid injury in 20 patients, lacrimal injury in 16 patients, orbital injury 34 patients and conjunctival injury 24 patients.
bOther injuries included corneal foreign bodies in 63 patients.