Figure 1.
Body weight gains and parasite replication in line C.B12 and 15I chickens following E. maxima infection. Three-week-old birds were orally infected with 100 sporulated E. maxima oocysts (n = 5 per line) or sterile water (n = 3 per line). (A) Percentage of body weight gains were calculated for individual birds from 2 days prior to inoculation to time of culling at time points as indicated. The results were presented as the mean percentage of body weight gain and error bars represent standard deviation. (B) Eimeria maxima replication was quantified by qPCR targeting the MIC1 gene. The results were presented as the ratios of parasite genome vs host genome copy numbers for individual birds. Matching letters indicate significant differences between the two lines at p < 0.05 on the same day (n = 5 per time point).