GPNMB activates several pro-survival biochemical pathways in cancer cells. a Heatmap showing the phosphorylation profile of 45 proteins in MCA-1 sarcoma cells. Cells were starved without serum for 24 h and then treated or not with recombinant murine GPNMB (50 ng/ml) for the indicated times (5, 10, and 30 min). b ELISA quantification of the soluble isoform of GPNMB released by MCA-1-GPNMB and MCA-1-mock cells. c In vitro survival of MCA-1-GPNMB cells under conditions of serum deprivation over time. Data are expressed as population doubling (PD). d Representative images of spheroids from the MCA-1-GPNMB cells cultured in IMDM medium without serum and supplemented with N2, B27, bEGF, and FGF