Fig. 1. Decreased levels of intraglomerular GPR120 in human renal biopsies from DN patients.
Representative immunohistochemical (IHC) staining (a) and immunofluorescence (IF) staining (c) of GPR120 in nondiabetic healthy control subjects and DN patients. Quantitative IHC (b) and IF (d) analysis of GPR120 expression in renal glomeruli from control (n = 6), early DN (n = 10), and advanced DN (n = 8) specimens was performed using ImageJ 6.0 software. e Double IF staining of GPR120 and Nephrin in glomeruli from control and DN patients. f Colocalization analysis (Pearson’s r and overlap r coefficient) of GPR120 and nephrin was performed using ImageJ 6.0 software. The results showed that GPR120 was expressed in the podocytes of normal human kidneys. In contrast, reduced expression of GPR120 was observed in the podocytes of patients with DN. Magnification: ×200. The data are represented as the mean ± SD. ***P < 0.001 versus the control. ###P < 0.001 versus early DN.