CD74 is strongly expressed in normal and neoplastic central nervous system (CNS) tissue in vivo. Representative immunhistochemical stainings showing CD74 expression on a distinct cellular subset in (A) normal‐appearing grey matter (n = 44), (B) normal‐appearing white matter (n = 16) and astrocytomas of (C) World Health Organization (WHO) grade I (n = 47), (D) WHO grade II (n = 16), (E) WHO grade III (n = 35) as well as (F) glioblastoma, WHO grade IV (n = 252). Histomorphologic characteristics of CD74‐positive cells were also analyzed with regard to the microlocalisation such as (F) GBM tumor centers (n = 252), (G) GBM infiltration zones (n = 37) or (H) in GBM recurrence (n = 114). While in tumor centers of both primary (F) and recurrent (H) GBMs CD74 expression was detected on the surface of mostly rounded to ovoid cells, CD74 expression in normal CNS tissue (A, B) and GBM infiltration zones (G) was mainly observed on elongated cellular protrusions. (scale bars = 50 μm; inserts = higher magnification).