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. 2021 Feb 15;4(2):e00220. doi: 10.1002/edm2.220


Patient demographics and healthcare‐related characteristics of patients who completed the survey (n = 451).

Parameter Value
Patient demographics
Age, mean, years 69.5 ± 10.1
Sex, Men, % 67.8
Educational level achieved, %
Primary or no studies 50.8
Secondary, including vocational 28.8
University or further 20.4
Employment status, %
Retired 65.9
Worker 16.3
Sick leave/disability 7.2
Household work 7.0
Unemployed 3.6
Barthel Index of Activities of Daily Living, Barthel ≤80, % 9.0
Barthel Index, mean 92.7 ± 17.4
Affiliated to patients’ association, % 4.6
Searched for information about health care from sources different to healthcare providers (ie Internet, media, etc.), % 48.9
Healthcare‐related characteristics
Follow‐up for health care in a Spanish region different from the patient's main residence, % 4.4
Number of different specialists (including primary care) visited within the past year, mean (SD) 4.0 ± 2.4
0 specialists, % 2.2
1–2 specialists, % 25.5
3–4 specialists, % 40.1
≥5 specialists, % 32.2
Most common specialists visited in the last year, %
Primary care physician 90.9
Cardiologist 46.6
Ophthalmologist 37.5
Traumatologist 22.8
Endocrinologist 22.0
Vascular surgeon 16.9
Pneumologist 16.6
Patient follow‐up usually performed by the same physician, %
Generally, the same physician 66.8
Sometimes different 26.0
Frequently different 7.2
Additional follow‐up by a nurse, % 82.7
Number of visits to the emergency department within the last year, mean 1.4 ± 1.8
Proportion of patients attended in the emergency department within the last year, % 64.2
Support from others (relatives or friends, caregiver) for health care, % 45.2
Hospitalization within the past 3 years, % 56.1
Treatment‐related characteristics
Number of medicines taken daily, mean 6.5 ± 3.2
0–4, % 31.3
5–7, % 33.4
≥ 8, % 35.3
Treated with subcutaneous or intravenous medications, % 23.9