Effects of imeglimin, metformin and oligomycin on NAD(P)H autofluorescence and mitochondrial electrical membrane potential. Hepatocytes incubated overnight in the presence or not of 1 mM metformin or 1 mM imeglimin were washed with PBS and incubated at 37°C for 30 min in a Krebs‐Ringer‐bicarbonate‐calcium buffer (glucose free) containing 2 mM sodium pyruvate and 20 mM sodium lactate, saturated with O2 : CO2 (19:1) and supplemented with 20 nM TMRM. The fluorescence of NAD(P)H (pseudo blue colour) and TMRM (pseudo red colour) was imaged in randomly chosen fields. When indicated, cells were incubated in the presence of 2 µM oligomycin 5 minutes before imaging. Image quantification was performed as described in Material and Methods. The number of cells observed varying according to experiments, and the fluorescence depending on the number of cells, comparisons were performed by dividing the NAD(P)H fluorescence by the TMRM fluorescence for each field. Results are presented as mean ± SEM, n = at least 8. *Significantly different from control (Dunnett's test, p < .05)