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. 2021 May 21;39(22):2995–3006. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2021.04.002

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Epidemic Characteristics at Vaccine Introduction. (A) Three scenarios for the stage of the epidemic at vaccine introduction. The dark blue line shows a scenario where transmission has previously been suppressed and therefore the proportion immune at vaccine introduction is low (4%). The purple line shows the default scenario in which the proportion immune at vaccine introduction is 11%. The light blue line shows a scenario in which more widespread transmission occurred during 2020 and the proportion immune at vaccine introduction is higher (14%). (B) The projected impact of vaccination in terms of total deaths averted per thousand individuals over 2021–2022, for the scenarios in A. All other vaccine characteristics are set to the default assumptions. (C) Three scenarios for the course of the epidemic from February 2021 onwards assuming the default scenario up until this time of vaccine introduction. The light green line shows the scenario for Rt2 = 1.5, purple Rt2 = 2, and turquoise Rt2 = 2.5. (D) Deaths averted per thousand individuals over 2021–2022, for the scenarios in C. All other vaccine characteristics are set to the default assumptions. (E) Three scenarios for the course of the epidemic from February 2021 onwards where NPIs are assumed to be lifted when the vaccine is introduced, and the target population is vaccinated at a constant rate over 2021, for three vaccine targeting strategies (coloured lines). The black long-dashed line shows the counterfactual scenario. (F) Deaths averted per thousand individuals over 2021–2022, for the scenarios in E. “All”: all age groups vaccinated simultaneously. “Target older”: the 80 + group is vaccinated first, then additional groups (75–79, 70–74 and so on) are consecutively vaccinated. “Target working-age”: the 15–64-year-old group is vaccinated first, and then the older group, and then children. (G, H) Deaths averted (G) and life-years gained (H) per thousand population in 2021 for each income setting, where health systems are either unconstrained (dark grey) or constrained (light grey). Default vaccine parameters are in Table 1. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)